Bsurfaces/Grease Pencil

Kinda having troubles getting this to work.

So I select both curves and a mesh, hit edit mode [for the mesh], but it says No Strokes added to the object.

Sometimes it works, sometimes not so…

Could anyone please have a look?


bsurfaces test1.blend (425 KB)

Not to mention getting Grease Pencil to work is really impossible for me :smiley:

Hey, the grease Pencil is working now… Blender works in mysterious ways on me …

Openfile, hit Tab and press CreateSurface… There should be one Curve and one mesh object selected; Edit mode for last selected mesh - Bsurfaces works.
Concerning Grease pencil - its all the same - there should be mesh in edit mode and some selected verts if you want to continue mesh, draw line- D key, click Create.
Rotate viewport or have another, perpendicular view open where you mark a depth for GP line using 3d cursor position (set in GP tab on T panel, Stroke Placement=3d cursor).