Bublicous: A Simulated Interference

This project was a just a test to use a blender texture on spheres to simulate the effects of interference. Here it is -


The effect was good! I added the monkey for fun. All the bubbles are simple spheres subdivided twice with a plane beneath to reflect back. I parented the bubles to a lattice then deformed the lattice to make it more realistic.

I rendered with ray tracing, shadows, env maps, and 16 oversampling to wind up with a 10 minute render time. I was going to use AO (ambient occlusion) but the bubles turn black and i seriously doubt if it would have been worth it! What do you think of the simulation? :wink:

I can taste th bubbles…

Interesting use of the lattice,I forgot how useful that
tool is.

Thanks! I wanted it to be acurate so i made sure that the bubles were oblong like they were drifting apart but still attatched thus stretching the film. Glad you liked it!! :wink:

hummm!!! nice :slight_smile: looks really nice, soft, silky cool…
You could use the “magic” texture or a blend texture to do the iridescence… well, anyway, it’s still very good!


That was the whole point of the picture was to use the cloud texture with color enabled to produce an oily shine. I could have used magic but it wasn’t the right colors and shapes. It isn’t exactly photorealistic but yes it is soft and silky like. Thanks! :wink:

Nice :slight_smile:

I know how difficult it is to get that look - back in January 04 I posted a render here called Effervescent. I also used the color cloud texture in that piece to generate a bubbly sort of look. Here’s how that turned out:

It was tricky to get just right but all in all just good clean fun :smiley:


Wow!, i feel embarrassed now to show mine! That must have taken a long time to render with all those small bubbles! Mine took around 10 minutes and had i want to say 20000 vertices! yours is much better! I wish i would have known about the bubles you did so i wouldn’t have posted mine without considering yours the inspiration. And you said you did it a while back (probably before 2.33) meaning you had to do the laborous empty routine! Good job! :wink:

You shouldn’t be, as it is Robert.

I like Prince’s more as far as the bubbles go, it looks more realistic and doesn’t have a metal look.

good job


Nooooo :smiley: never ever feel embarassed to show your work. Ever. I sort of felt that way somewhat myself when I saw other works here when I first started out but I realized the only way to learn and get better is to jump right in and show your stuff and get feedback :slight_smile: It’s still like that, and that’s good because it means we all have room to grow and learn :slight_smile:

And what you have there is very nice. In fact, I think your bubbles look more realistic :slight_smile: Mine wasn’t meant to be real, just slightly artistic.

Excellent idea with the lattice deformation too!! It’s been I while since I saw the blend, but I don’t recall using empties.

Anyway, I hope to see more from you! :slight_smile:


Thanks you guys for the support! :smiley:

I am sort of new so i haven’t quite got everything right and rarely do i get such good results. Thanks again for the encouragement! I posted a while back my first modeling job and only my third project called Italian Job and no one had a good word for it! So thanks! :wink:

Looking good, Prince! I like that Suzanne reflection ;).


Thanks! :slight_smile: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: I use the same model for my signature picture! :wink: