Buckram texture. How would you create this texture?

How would you create this buckram texture?

It’s a common type of paper texture, that’s a paper embossing finish. I’m specifically talking about the bump. It’s almost like a series of interlocking ball and chains, with some random variance in size and depth of the emboss.

A standard paper from CC0 would probably work for other shader channels like base colour and roughness.

A couple of other close up examples of the texture.

I would do it by manually modelling a small repeating section of it in 3D, then bake that as a height or normal map.


I agree, but I’m not sure about how the subtle variations should be accomplished.

Here’s a really good procedural texture tutorial :wink:

Mix a Noise Texture with the height map:

It’s my default way to add subtle variations, it works super well


Additionally, do this with the texture coordinates as well. Introduce high-frequency noise so that the pattern isn’t perfectly straight, in addition to the height variance @joseph’s setup provides


I hadn’t considered this as a way of tackling the material. How would you model it so that it’s repeatable?

This is the shape you want…


Use a simple plane, add some loop cuts to get the shape you want, extrude upwards and scale down, move the left and right (entrances of the shape) outside edges so they’re flush with the edges of the plane, add two array modifiers, done:

Obviously that’s a quick and dirty version, with more loop cuts you can get a much more accurate look. I was going for speed.

Once you’ve got it looking how you like, you can bake it as a height or normal map, and then use the shader nodes @Hadriscus and I were talking about to add some subtle variations to that

Hi all,
I tried to do it with vector math, but failed so far.
The best way would be a coordinate system I think, but I could not yet figure it out :confused: it reminded me of Erindale’s tutorials, but I could not find a way yet.


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@hadriscus, could you show us – in this or in a separate thread – how you would vary the texture coordinates in the way that you suggest? I also would like to find a way to make a “repeating tiled texture” less obviously so …

(Maybe “a separate tutorial thread,” linking to this one, would be a better option in this case.)

Well, not the best, there may be a more elegant way, but something like this. You can keep tweaking the ratios, but I stayed having circles. I basically just put the lines separately.
There may be a sin/cos or similar math magic that creates the waves altogether tough. The circles should be gradually whiter vertically, to be in lime with the lines.
But the colour burn and dodge controls the fall-off and the white “top” of it. So, with a little fine tuning it can work :blush:

buckram.blend (910.8 KB)


Adding to @AgentTuron 's file above :
buckram.blend (935.5 KB)

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Sure, next step was adding that noise to the vector line, we can actually add multiple, one for the larger waves, a more detailed one for the overall “hairiness” :smiley:

Next step would be adding a large bump for the white part, and another overall the texture.

For even more detail, it is possible to mix wave textures within the texture, very large scale, to get the threads as well.

My take on this…though it is a bit finicky to get things correct…no time to play longer though :wink:


Thanks for sharing @RSEhlers . This looks pretty good even though the pattern is less circular than the reference. Would you be able to share the .blend file, please?

Thank you every one for sharing those .blend files and showing how the pattern could be modelled and then baked into a normal map. Every day’s a school day!

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Sure thing…Just remember it does take some tweaking to get things right…like if you change the scale of one texture you have to adjust the other manually…If I can find the time I will see if I can tighten up the file to work better…
buckram.blend (964.9 KB)

Hey guys, I totally forgot about Magic texture! I just inverted it, and tweaked a bit, and look :slight_smile:


Right on. Now add another one, combine using mix shader, adjust the offset and set to add.