bug girl

cool, 2 crits

fingers could be longer

legs are not big enough in relation to hips and the rest of the body

a nice clean mesh though, keep it up

I must concur regarding the legs,…the fingers look ok to me though. For the legs, I would make them a touch longer, and move the thigh fat a little further down, so you can see more definition between the hip, and the fat of the thigh. Hip curves out, hip curves in. Thigh curves out, then back in. So a slight inward curve between hip and thigh is my suggestion. In general, I think it looks VERY good.

the fingers should be a bit shorter but the whole hand bigger :slight_smile:

i like the way you extruded those legs…
it has lot of form, it’s very pleasant to watch.


Bug Girl sporting theeths uv map exporter

Fixed up her hips a bit, still got a dinted forhead, Adjested knees and elbows for better bending - don’t know if I’m waisting time as I’ll be prebending joints before rigging.
started mapping uvs, gonna have to redo head uvs, infact all her uvs could do with tweakage, I used wings3d unwrap. Next up I gotta model eyes, lashes, lips, mouth,tongue, teeth!!! I almost forgot about those bits

That is looking just great. You did the funky wireframe in Tuhopuu?

There is funky wireframe rendering in Tuh(opuu)? Cool.
No its the exported texture map with just the mesh lines on it, good for spotting uv stretching (like on the wrists :frowning: ).

I don’t know if there is,…I just knew it wasn’t done with a BF Blender, so I assumed it was a Tuhopuu thing. Did you see the guys post awhile back where he used some script to get a shaded wireframe? Quite cool.

The model and UV mapping looks pretty clean! Did you do that with an external tool? What you really need to do now though is use a checkered test image to check that the uv layout it even. If some UV quads are bigger than others, you’ll get texture stretching.


Teeths UV map exporter? Link link link … >>> :stuck_out_tongue:

Modron, I know blender doesn’t need it but I do like wings3Ds’ smooth with edges on option, you get a similar effect.

broken, This is only the 2nd model I have mapped, but here is the (probaly silly) way I Uveed it.
I exported to wings3D then used its lots of lovely selection options to allocate material sections to areas eg. fingers, hand, arm, front, back, head, ears, legs and feet.
Then I split up the mesh to the various sections using the loopcut tool. Make sure you don’t have isolated vertices as wings will ask you to cleanup mesh before UV mapping, which will delete said vertex. (I have work around though).
Assign hole material to unwanted faces created from slicing up mesh
Use wings3D cool UV tools to unwrap the various bits (I particularly like the “mark edges for cut” tool
Next you could Weld all the objects back together and export back to Blender - or you could just export and weld back in Blender.
Anyway coz I had already created the material areas, selecting mapped areas was easy back in face mode in Blender. So I set about stitching the bits back together. Fingers onto hands, arms onto torso, legs onto torso.

I’m not sure if the result is suitable. I mostly used wings “unfolding” option to project uvs, Its great for ears, but I think I will try again using blenders cylinder mapping. For such a simple mesh it all seem too uneven


Sorry its the UV Face image exporter, I just slapped the exported texture map back on the mesh.
find the script here…

i can only say one thing wow.

Well I think the mapping on the body looks really good. You may have some problems on the head though because it looks like it’s using different parts of the map, stitched together - I can see an edge in the mapping, a line across the forehead, and also around the cheeks. This will make it hard to avoid ugly ‘seams’ in the final texture. You can probably test this by assigning an image texture to it now and doing some test renders.

If you can try to get at least the main face, cheeks, forehead as all part of the one continuous map, it will make life much easier :slight_smile:

Just finished the rigging. Thanks for the UV map tip on the head Broken, I changed the UV layout on the head. In avoiding starting texture maps I created this image if the Weight groups, maybe someone will find it of interest or point out mistakes mistakes I’ve blundered into. Nulls, Handles and IK solvers not shown.


I like to rig the head armature like an upside down L. It would give you a little more control over the head.

i’d like to learn how to rig :frowning:

me too, GFX. I can’t seem to get teh hang of it :<

Its taken me a while to get the hang of it – I could follow the BlenderChar hand and leg tutes and get a result. But I always wondered, “what is an IK Solver anyway? And whats with these null bones”.
Working on this character and it started to click.
Here is what I’ve sussed in laymans terms:
The Key is that armatures come with two kinds of hierarchies. The parent chain (symbolised by the dotted line linking bones) and the IK Link Chain (Toggled with the Blue/green[IK] button in the edit buttons).
If you want a chain of bones to solve their movement with IK, first they must be parented And the [IK] button switched on all down the heirarchy.
Also make sure there are two extra bones hanging of the end. One is your handle to pick up and wiggle the chain about with (so make it big, switch off its [IK] button and leave it unparented) and the other is a discreet “null” (parented and [IK] on) with an IK solver constraint pointed at the handle.

Generally IK chains can be short, like just upper-arm/for-arm/null or upper-leg/lower-leg/null, because ya just dealing with the more automated joints like knee and elbow. Other joints where the movement is conscious might be better with FK and good old manual moving.

On buggirl the IK chains are hanging off (parented to) the Hip and Shoulder bones. But they don’t get solved as part of the IK chains as the [IK] button is switched off on them.
Ah don’t take my probably wrong word for it the best thing to do is by a decent book.I rely on and old 3d max r3 one but it helps.


Time to take stock…
Texturing has really made me notice the modelling weaknesses.

~~Hanzo: I see what you were saying about the mouth and eyes but I decided to go with the style. For better or worse. By the way when can we see an update on you supercool Edo Magic thread?…please I only discovered it recently .

~~Modron: thanks for the head rigging tip I’ll try it out

~~broken: thanks for the assurance on the UV

~~lbzd210: thanks
~~kaktuswasse, Modron, GFX Idiot, Drevay, steve343, BgDM, Zenitor:
Thanks everyone for the modelling crits – I think a took most of the advice

Well here is the texture on the face so far, still working on lashes and eyebrows then back to working on bump map then spec. Should I just texture brows?