Bug I found in blender 2.42 RC3

Okey I’m not sure if this is already found but, you know it dosn’t hurt. I’m pretty positive it’s a bug too. The reason I’m posting this is that well I don’t know how to go about telling people about it. I guess I need the bug tracker but I doubt I’ll know how to use that. So hopefuly there’s someone there who can do something about this. This might be to late but it dosn’t hurt you know. And before there is any flames or anything if any, I don’t really know what to do about this so i’m posting here so someone else who knows what to do can help. And if this is in the wrong area please move this.
Okey I made a red ball and put a black marble texture on it with nor and dis on pretty high, I previewed it looked terrible so I made it lower, and lower, and lower. I even turned them off as you can see in the pic, but the preview thing updates but it’s the same. It dosn’t change, I close the preview and open it again, but it’s the same., look at the pic it shows what the ball should look like in the bottom but the preview window is still the original.
here’s the pic

p.s. I still have blender up and havn’t changed a thing since I took the screen, just in case I need to do something.

what happens if you move one frame foward, then one frame back? I find there are a few things I have to do that for to get the preview window to work.


EDITED. (sorry, wrong topic)