bug (i think)

umm…whenever i click the “movie” button to make a texture that’s an avi file, blender closes. anyone else having this problem, or is it just my ****ed up comp?

Well, here are your problems:

No such thing as an .avi texture
No “movie” button

Works fine for me.

When added an image texture, you can choose a movie (*.avi or whatever) so that it plays the movie on whatever the texture is on.

Ah. Never had to use it, and I don’t mess with animations so that escaped me.

As for your bug… your OS and computer specs (speed) would be useful.

thanks for replies, but i figured it out. when i converted the movie to an uncompressed avi, it worked fine

thats still a bug…
it shouldn’t exit unexpectedly for any reason.

Hey i didn’t know u could load avi. files so the texture moves (I think) ty.