[Bug] imageToArray returns a NoneType

I’ve been using the tutorial at the BGE Python documentation, but I’ve run into trouble with the imageToArray method. Hitting P results in the following console output:

Blender Game Engine Started
object_texture =
<VideoTexture.Texture object at 0x10a773768>
Url =
/Users/username/Desktop/Blender/Projects/Shark Game Project/shaderTest512.png
New source =
<VideoTexture.ImageFFmpeg object at 0x10f8cd228>
logic.object_texture.source =
<VideoTexture.ImageFFmpeg object at 0x10f8cd228>
<VideoTexture.ImageFFmpeg object at 0x10f8cd228>
Failed again!
Python script error - object ‘Plane’, controller ‘Python’:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “ImageLength”, line 58, in <module>
TypeError: object of type ‘NoneType’ has no len()
Blender Game Engine Finished

The script is as followes:

from bge import texturefrom bge import logic
import math
cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()

own = cont.owner

scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene()

def createTexture(cont):#much of this function was stolen from the Blender Python online documentation
    """Create a new Dynamic Texture"""
    obj = cont.owner
    # get the reference pointer (ID) of the internal texture
    ID = texture.materialID(obj, "MAMaterial")
    # create a texture object
    object_texture = texture.Texture(obj, ID)
    print("object_texture =")
    if object_texture is None:
    # create a new source with an external image
    #shaderTest512.png is the name of the file I am using
    url = logic.expandPath("//" + "shaderTest512.png")
    print("Url = ")
    new_source = texture.ImageFFmpeg(url)
    print("New source =")
    # the texture has to be stored in a permanent Python object
    logic.object_texture = object_texture
    # update/replace the texture
    logic.object_texture.source = new_source
    print("logic.object_texture.source =")
    #data = texture.source.image
    #data = tex.source.image
    return logic.object_texture

tex = createTexture(cont)
if tex is None:

arr = texture.imageToArray(tex.source, 'RGB')

if arr is None:
    print("Failed again!")

mvLength = len(arr)#at this point I get an error message thlling me that: object of type 'NoneType' has no len()


ImageLength.blend (492 KB)

Script is fine. No image. If you rewrite
url = logic.expandPath("//" + “shaderTest512.png”)

to just

url = “c:\directory\image.png”

it works fine.

I tried replacing the text as you suggested, but I still get the same result. I then tried using “c:\directory\shaderTest512.png” without any luck. The shaderTest512.png file is located inside the same folder as the blend file. I probably should have mentioned this earlier, but I’m using Blender 2.70a (I checked the change logs of the more recent versions to see if there was a bugfix that corresponded to my problem. No dice.) and OSX 10.7.5.