Bugtrix ;)

Inspired by new Matrix :wink:
Modelling and rendering in Blender.


Looking very good.

The grass is just awesome. Well done there. The bugs look very nice as well. Excellent lighting job.

Only crit is that there are some grass blades showing through some of the bugs, but hey, what can you do? There’s no colision detection without the game engine.


Did you write the script for that grass or did you get it somewhere? I like this idea, now you just need a protagonist bug in the middle getting rid of “Agent Ladybug”.

Desoto-111: look for Fiber script, it is ment for making grass and other kind of fibers, like hair.

Ups, I almost forgot this: Very nice looking scene. Nice lights and textures.

Will do Hippie, but the question still stands: Is that what was used on the image?

Yes, I used great Fiber script for this image :wink: This is fastest created image I ever made. From concept to final rendering was about 2 hours :wink:

Impressive!!! Are those Shift + D ladybugs? Or did you model them individually?

I used dupliverts and three halfs of icosphere.

THAT is clever. You used three halves to get the normals in different directions so they’d be rotated a bit right?

A little less blur would be easier on my eyes. Other than that, it’s good.

i guess its supposed to be blurry, to show the fast movement of the flying bugs. to show they r movin even though the image is frozen. :wink:


beautiful ladybugs.
