Building blender simple question path issue maybe?

so i have built blender before,successfully.
now i want to delve in to creating a custom build.
it has been awhile,i have all the prerequisites installed;VS2019,git,svn,cmake.
to start i do have blender 2.80 installed,and i have python3.7x installed.
the included python folder is removed so blender runs on my installed python.
i do this because it is more responsive,and faster on my woefully inadequate laptop.
however i still get the message;Warning! bundled python not found and is expected on this platform. (if you built with CMake: ‘install’ target may have not been built)
can i change where blender looks for python?
i would like to include this in my build(installed python)
Mostly where can i find more detailed info on making a custom build?
i do have tbi,but lucky for me i can still function well.i just forget alot.
i also eventually would like to create my own dunno add-on style code in my build.
nothing that is currently made just functions i would like personally.
anyway,im not completely ignorant of code but i am naive.
any suggestions are welcome.

You might look/ask here:


There is no documentation for customizing your build like that since it’s not supported, there’s only a finite number of developers, so we’ll try to make it work correctly for ‘most people’

If this doesn’t cover your use-case, and you want to go off the rails, fair enough, go at it, experiment! it’s fun! But support on such an endeavor is gonna be fairly limited, the way to point to a custom python you can do two things…

  1. Enable the Cmake option WITH_WINDOWS_FIND_MODULES it’ll call cmakes find_package and you can use point it into the right direction by supplying the corrects paths. but this may funk up the other libs

  2. Stick with the hardcoded libs, but edit build_files\cmake\platform\platform_win32.cmake with the paths where your python hangs out.

using a python distribution outside our lib folder is pretty much uncharted territory, neither of these 2 options have ever been tested.

If you have any more questions i’ll do my best to answer, but you’ll have to experiment a bit


ok’s not a big issue to use bundled i will heed the warning! i know what not to fiddle with.
i have removed the bundled python before,ran ok but some functionality was lacking.
so i put the saved python back in.on to more exploration!