here are some footages of my building made in 3 hours =D comment it =D:
a big tip is to look at dev* diarys =D *developer
contact me at [email protected]
or on xfire: cod4god ==> bad name^^
so ubdated now with more details and some light tweakings -hdr etc
Ubdated: 10 minutes after posting
that looks great! Lovin’ the textures! A few crits: The ground texture seems too ‘blown up’ if you know what I mean. Also, if that’s a garden, and those green things are lettuce or some other vegetable, I think they should have a simple mesh, and not just a texture. It’s your call
How big is your texture? 512 *512? It seems to me like you could squeeze a lot more detail out of it, instead of just darkening and using AO of a simple pattern. The roof texture doesn’t really match either, it looks like plaster or something, which is bogus, especially for a wood building. Maybe try thatch, or wood shingles.