name my project,advanced learning of technics

here are some footages of my building made in 3 hours =D comment it =D:
a big tip is to look at dev* diarys =D *developer
contact me at
[email protected]
or on xfire: cod4god ==> bad name^^

so ubdated now with more details and some light tweakings -hdr etc :slight_smile:
Ubdated: 10 minutes after posting :slight_smile:

Looks good. Did you use GLSL? If not you should.

I will do it :slight_smile: its in progress was impressed what can happen in 3 hours :slight_smile:

Its has really good textures. You are talented:yes: (and I’m bad at giving praise)

that looks great! Lovin’ the textures! A few crits: The ground texture seems too ‘blown up’ if you know what I mean. Also, if that’s a garden, and those green things are lettuce or some other vegetable, I think they should have a simple mesh, and not just a texture. It’s your call

This looks awesome! Totally cool textuing! I wish I could do that.

Mokazon: If this is an RTS-style game, it’s better if it’s just textures.

jesusfrk: I know. I just thought it might look a little better with a few cubes there

keep up the good work, independentsoul

How big is your texture? 512 *512? It seems to me like you could squeeze a lot more detail out of it, instead of just darkening and using AO of a simple pattern. The roof texture doesn’t really match either, it looks like plaster or something, which is bogus, especially for a wood building. Maybe try thatch, or wood shingles.

i think that looks awesome, perhaps a normal map for the roof will make it seem more hay-like.

perhaps this will help, its on a angle so you’ll have to rotate the uv map to make it straight up and down.


I agree about the roof. Those plants look awesome now! Good Job!

This is great. How do you make your textures? I really want to make this style 3d, but find texturing hard.

lots of pictures there lol

the ground texture looks low rez
you have some seams problems

you should consider using multiple uvw’s or planes with alpha maps to add diversity(cracks, dust, dirt), in combination with tileable maps

great work so far :D, so your naming it A.L.O.T

beetwen @mokazon I didn´t used the normal map of heloo but thanks heloo :slight_smile:

you mean update.
nice model though