Uh, so, I’m making a shooter, but when I fire my bullet never seems to want to shoot in the same direction that my Empty (which is the object adding it) is facing.
I’ve set the empty to shoot in along the local X axis with the linear velocity at 100. The empty is parented to the camera, which is parented to the player.
The empty is parented to the camera because it is the camera which looks up and down but the character which turns left and right.
It seems to shoot within 90 degrees of the local X of the empty, but very rarely along the X. Oh and it is worth noting that it’ll shoot in the same direction if I don’t turn left or right, but as soon as I turn it’ll choose a new direction to fire in.
Thanks for reading… and possibly helping.
EDIT: Sorry if my post makes no sense. Reading through it now I’m having trouble understanding it myself.