Bullet Physics engine

Ok, I have completely failed to instal the crystalspace game engine, and if there is anyone out there who knows how it is done, then please please tell me…, but what about bullet? I have not done anythign with bullet before, is bullet already part of the blender game engine or do we have to install it like the way that we were supposed to with Crystal?

Bullet is part of the game engine and controls the physics in it (gravity, collisions, …).
You’re using it just by making an actor dynamic.

Bullet is part of blender.
Select your object (it will fall under gravty so make sure it has something to fall on), go to the Logic panel (F4) in the Buttons menu. Press the ‘Actor’ button then Dynamic then Rigid Body and then press P over the 3D window and watch your object roll, bounce and generally bob about.

Blender comes with it’s own game engine with Bullet physics built in. You don’t need to download or configure/setup anything else (as long as you have a reasonable graphics card).

It’s a fantastic way to get started with realtime 3d games.

The old Blender kit manual is definately worth a look for 8 Euros.

Bullet Physics homepage here

Just to make things clear: Bullet is NOT a game engine, Bullet is a physics engine. Bullet calculates the way things should move, collide, etc. It does not have any affect whatsoever on graphics or logic.