Hi all, im having problems with this bullet script. when it adds the hole, if you move, the hole flickers, indicating it is not aligned properly. any help?:
from math import sin, cos, sqrt
# vector functions
def VEC_length(x):
return sqrt(x[0]*x[0]+x[1]*x[1]+x[2]*x[2])
def VEC_normalize(x):
length = VEC_length(x)
return [x[0]/length,x[1]/length,x[2]/length]
def VEC_cross(x, y):
return [x[1]*y[2] - x[2]*y[1],
x[2]*y[0] - x[0]*y[2],
x[0]*y[1] - x[1]*y[0]]
def VEC_min(x, y):
return [x[0] - y[0], x[1] - y[1], x[2] - y[2]]
def MAT_trackvector(fw, y):
if abs(abs(fw[2]) - abs(y[2])) < .001: #prevent gimbol lock
del y[0]
right = VEC_normalize(VEC_cross(y, fw))
up = VEC_cross(fw, right)
return [[right[0], up[0], fw[0]],
[right[1], up[1], fw[1]],
[right[2], up[2], fw[2]]]
cont = GameLogic.getCurrentController()
obj = cont.getOwner()
ray_sensor = cont.sensors["rayhole"]
lmb_sensor = cont.sensors["fire"]
add_bullet_act = cont.actuators["add_bullet"]
from GameLogic import*
getScene = {}
for a in GameLogic.getSceneList():
getScene[a.name] = a
camerascene = getScene['FPS']
objList = camerascene.objects
camera = objList["OBCamera"]
ammo = getattr(camera, "ammo")
# position the last added bullet hole
newobj = add_bullet_act.objectLastCreated
if obj.ebhole and ray_sensor.isPositive():
hit_pos = ray_sensor.hitPosition
hit_norm = ray_sensor.hitNormal
newobj.orientation = (MAT_trackvector(hit_norm, [0.0,0.0,1.0]))
newobj.localPosition = hit_pos
obj.ebhole = 0
# determine wether or not to create a new bullet hole
make_bullet = ray_sensor.isPositive() and lmb_sensor.isPositive() and ammo > 0
if make_bullet:
GameLogic.addActiveActuator(add_bullet_act, 1)
obj.ebhole = 1
Offset = 0.1 # Offset between the decal and the wall hit (In Blender units) = (In meters most probably)
hit_pos = Vector(ray_sensor.hitPosition )
hit_norm = Vector(ray_sensor.hitNormal).normalize * Offset
newobj.localPosition = hit_pos + hit_norm
There is surely a big bunch of syntax errors in there since I can’t test it here, but I guess you have something to base you there. Hopefully it might work just fine once you correct my noobish ehheeh