Bullettime Revisited

well, Many of you may know about my bullettime test I did a while ago. I decided to redo it. I made a better background (better camera). And I finally got the warp plugin to work (DAMN that plugin rocks).

It;s not done yet, but here it is:


wow looks very good.


you should post this on cgtalk !
coolio dude!

O btw, some people have asked how I made the background. here is the answer (not high tech, but it works)


cool,can you send me the warp plugin? I 'll try to use
it in my golfball animation…

www.elysiun.com >> Downloads >>Sirdudes site >>Plugin Repository

Hey man,
That looks great and i love your Matrix-esque type camera setup, very ingeneuitive!!! :wink:
How did you get the the warp plugin to work? I downloaded the entire plugin package from SirDudes site but when i try to load 'em it just gives me an error saying No Plugin.


Blend on, and blend well!!!

plugins don;t work in 2.25, you have to use 2.23

Heya Goofster,

Acctually im using 2.23, i tried once before to get them to work ages ago but got the same error as i did today.
Has anyone else (using 2.23) had the same error? Any help would be muchly greatly astronomically appreciated!!! :wink:


Blend on, and blend well!!!