(Bully PS2 Format dff) Model Plugin Creator Assistance is Needed

Hello people Im new here glad to meet you :slight_smile: i’ll get to the point

me and a friend of mine Ze voidah we want to port bully ps2 models to pc but there’s no plugin for ps2 models and we tried numerous gta dff plugins but it didn’t worked sadly and we need a model plugin creator assistance for make these models work on blender

bully ps2 model format are dff (just like the other numerous older games of gta but this dff seems to be diferents from the others)

if someone is interesed in help us PM me or send me a email or message at facebook or just respond here
[email protected]

here’s a link of a model from that game: http://www.mediafire.com/file/77vth69327bmew1/sheldon.rar

If you wanna try to do it but if someone is really interesed please let us know as fast as possible

ok that’s all thanks and peace