The new bump map patch known as “sparky bump” now has a glsl shader for the viewport…
unlike the old glsl bump patch (that was committed to trunk and subsequently removed) this one matches the render algorithm exactly, so wysiwyg…
Here’s some viewport glsl renders of a sculptris model that I retopo-ed in blender… this version I painted 90% of teh bump maps in blender itself… (to road test how responsive texture paint mode would be…)
anyway, here’s the eye candy!
this last one is an older version texture painted in sculptris: (I re-did the whole bump texture for the ones above except for the head)
and a screenshot of the base mesh re-topology… you can see the patches in wireframe here, it’s subsurfed level 2 and a course displacment map makes it roughly the same as the sculptris original… so you can see ALL the high frequency details in the shots above are purely bump painted NOT sculpted!
Graphix, bump mapping is like normal mapping, it’s just generated from a greyscale input… so it can be used to preview displacement maps, it;'s also easy to paint greyscale so it goes hand in hand with the texture paint mode… you can paint bupms directly onto teh model…
I don’t see the “non organic” bit in the pose, but it may just be the angle… there’s some structure to how the wings meet the body that is clearer from other angles perhaps…
mib2berlin has posted a build for opensuse here:
I have an ubuntu 64 build and a win32 build… will share them if I get acccepted to submit at graphicall.
It looks like there’s some updates to the patch, so I’ll include those when the time comes too.
I really enjoy texture paint, Now I’m using it more heavily I’m finding lots of niggles and bugs! I don’t think they’re related to teh patch…
I need to get more details before reporting these as bugs but here’s a list for reference:
texture pallete seems really flakey and sometimes only creates thumbnails for some of the images, sometimes not at all…
I have a course displacement image used with a displace modifier and another layer for the bump map which is glsl and material… when I load the file it often doesn’t properley load the displace texture and I have to disable and then re-enable the modifier to get it to work…
often when I switch brushes I cannot draw until I hold “f” and cnange the radius of teh brush… again it’s like the texture isn’t properley updated on texture change.
in the textures pallete when I change from “brush” display to the “material” display the texure preview stays on the old texture until I change a setting…
Its the map that I think is distorted. Not by much but, ya know. BTW, Do you apply them same as normals? I did a normal in black and white and it worked somehow.
Here’s some viewport glsl renders of a sculptris model that I retopo-ed in blender… this version I painted 90% of teh bump maps in blender itself… (to road test how responsive texture paint mode would be
Nice model and nice paint. The dragoon details are incredible.
I’d like to know how do you retopo it in blender 2.5 (or is it done with 2.49)?
And how do you paint the bump in the paint mode, just a grey map??
here’s a brief explanation of retopo in 2.5 (reposted from my tutorial at sculptris forum)
it’s not step by step, but might be of use…
1: First export your model as an obj from sculptris
2: import obj into blender 2.5.
NB the defaults are fine UNLESS you have mapping data from paint mode… if you do you MUST enable objects and groups…
3: add another object that will be the basis for our new topology (a plane will be fine)
4: with that object selected enter edit mode (via the 3d view header or hit “tab”)
5: enable snapping, face mode and projecting onto the background geometry in the 3d view header bar:
in the above illustration you can see the finished “cage object”
This was built by selecting edges of the original plane object and extruding them over the surface of the model… the “snap” mode conforms those edges to the background model.
that was pretty much it barring some pulling vertices around and making some faces by selecting two edges and hitting “f”
that’s all really!
you’ll need to know what constitutes “good” animation geometry, edge loop theory etc etc…
I suggest checking out the subdivision modeling website:
Whilst doing the above it’s a good idea to be able to check how well the cage will work subdivided, also if the model is symmetrical a “mirror modifier” will help.
6: in the “properties” region go to the “modifier” tab… add a “multires” modifier (“a subsurf” modifier will work too, but multires will allow further sculpting in blender’s own “sculpt mode”).
Enable “optimal draw” and subdivide a few times… You’ll probably want to use the “preview” slider a lot to toggle up and down subdivision levels in object mode as you go.
7: if the model is symmetrical add a “mirror” modifier… the “clip” button makes the mirror plane sticky and stops penetrating the other side
8: to make the generated subdivisions “stick” to the underlying geometry add a “shrinkwrap” modifier… The target should be the obj object that you imported…
change the mode from “nearest surface point” to “project” and “enable” direction to negative and positive…
the right hand column shows the base cage and all the modifiers…
now, you can “tab” back and forth from edit mode to object mode and see exactly how good your retopo is!
subdivided once with multires…
subdivided twice… note how the generated loops fit to teh target mesh with shrinkwrap
keep going until all the detail from your sculptris mesh is “captured”
you may want to go the " object" tab and enable “wire” to draw over your cage model… if you’ve selected “optimal display” in your “multires modifier” you should get a clear view of the edge loops and whether they follow your topology nicely or not
finally, when happy, you should be able to “apply” the shrinkwrap modifier to your object and turn off all teh snapping… from here on it’s as if you sculpted it natively in blender and you can subdivide it some more, detail up with blender sculpt whatever…
… or just add an armature and rig it up to animate!
I know this probably requires a lot of advanced knowledge of blender and what good topology is, but maybe it helps!
finally, if i want to use multires and blender sculpt to detail I apply shrinkwrap to capture details in a multires modifier lower down the stack…
if I just want to animate I’ll use subdiv and bake a displacement map to capture the difereneces between my basemesh and target model…
Tried this out, and must say it nice to see bump map visable in 3D view.
I was not able to paint in the 3D view, only in the image viewer.
Does anyone know why I cannot paint on the mesh?
the texture you want to paint has to be assigned o the faces in the uv/image editor…
go into edit mode and select all faces in the 3d view…
then in the uv view select all the uv coordinates
pick a texture from the menu in the header
now you should be able to paint in the 3d view in texture paint mode.
if not then check your brush settings (eg pressure sensitivity, stroke etc…
projection paint cut off angle…
if the face you are paintig on is very large it may be getting cut off if part ogf it intersects the near clipping plane…which would stop the brush from working.
Thanks Mike. Got painting in 3D view working. Projection paint was “clipping” the paintable area.
Set it to 90, and was able to paint. Have to spend some time learning the painting tools.
Fingers crossed that it comes out in the final release.