When I make a material with a normalmap(map to “col”) + a bumpmap(map to “nor”) and then i enable the ray mirror and set it to 0.51 the reflection on render is wrong, i think the bumpmap distor the reflection, and if if that, then it distort too much the reflection and i don’t want the bumpmap to distort the reflection.
I am also using an HDR image for the global illumination(world sky?) but without that I have the same problem.
Here is my problem(models and texture extracted from a game(halo 2)):
works ok for me. plane raymirror with cloud nor reflects a distorted reflection of a sphere. In between the traces, is your bump map pefrectly black??? otherwise it will distort, possibly to the point where you cant really tell there’s a reflection.
where you have circled there seems to be a smudge of white, I believe that displacements are added first to an object and then ray mir/see thru, actually not sure, it could be either way. all I can say though is that if you wanted it to truly work then maybe instead of using the texture to add bump you bake the image as a displacement map so the mesh is permanently changed. There was a build of this somewhere…