Bump Wont work! :(


Ok so ive gotten to the stage of my model “Sasha” where i want to add diffuse and bump maps Using UV co-ords

so i did some reading on tutorials and decided to do a little test but i cant get the bump map to work :frowning:

i used a simple plain, unwrapped it , loaded my test bump map and then did the input UV, Output nor, up’d the nor value and…nothing still a flat plain :frowning:
what am i doing wrong?

please help



It won’t show in 3D view. Render or Shift-P for a preview

Yes i know i doesn’t show in the normal view :no:… when i render the plain its blank and smooth there is no bump at all…

still at a loss

Try increasing the size of the mapped texture

Increase the normals and displacement sliders to the top and see what happens. Check the size of the model, if the model was constructed in the metric scale it could be too large for blender, try to scale it down to 10%, this affects the normal mapping strength.
Check in the render panel if you have the ´´disable textures´´ button enabled.

Textures in the Material panel - did you press tex face on your material? The material has to be told to use the uv mapped texture as material for it to show, and you’ll need to make sure you have loaded the uv texture in the texture panel as an image, and set it to col and nor, mapped to uv instead of orco. I did that a lot when I was running through tutorials and could figure out where I skipped a step.

Yes, and have you assigned the right material id to the faces of your object??

Texface is not the way to go. That’s only used when you are lazy and don’t want to setup a proper UV image texture. And, for a bump map, it’s not even possible.

I think the only thing you’re missing, is that the image texture, tex.002, has no image. Go to the texture buttons, and select the same image as shown in your UV editor. Having an image appear in the UV editor, does not mean it’s also set as image texture. It would be very clumsy if it would, because then you can only have one image use the UV coordinates.


Thank you all!!!

jpbouza, Halfgaar, you hit the nail on the head i didn’t load the picture in the image tab in materials/textures window and texface was not what i was aiming to do. I’ve got it down now,
it was a stupid mistake:spin: but i cant remember reading anything about actually loading the image…but hey i’ve gained some more knowledge
yeah now i can carry on :D:D:D


Actually that’s what I’ve told you in the other thread you’ve posted :wink:

Glad you resolved it eventually, though!

I made two threads O_o

oops i thought my computer was a bit buggy that night.

i read it thanks Myke :slight_smile: