Bumpmap Terrian making

Im not sure if this has been mentioned, if it is, I cant find it.

Anyway, Im try to do bumpmap terrian making with blender, using the noise function, and a black and white image. This works fine, however, I cannot control the amount of Black and white images used. Im trying to only have one stretched image to cover the entire plane, but instead Im getting a “tiled” effect and Im getting up to 30 small terrians in one plane…help?

Add a Plane, Add Material and Texture, goto Edit mode and click Noise to satisfaction and Then Scale to size. You scaled before Noise.


I usually just UV map the image onto the plane. It’s really easy. Plus I just work the noise into the image itself.

There are two different things to consider here:
---- the repeat problem
1- it could be that you have ‘Repeat’ enabled in the Map Image panel of the texture buttons and Xrepeat/Yrepeat set to something else than 1 each
2- it could be that you have SizeX and SizeY in the Map Input panel of the material buttons set to something else than 1
3- if you UV mapped your texture you may have the wrong projection set up. go in a view atop of your plane, go into face select mode (Fkey), use Ukey to choose your projection method and opt for Projection from View.
- the method you choose
Your are trying the noise method: you must be reading one old tutorial but it still is something to try. It has some disadvantages though that makes it quite obsolete IMHO.
You could use two other methods too.
First one would be to map your texture to Nor and Disp in the Map To panel of the material buttons, then play with the Nor and Disp sliders. Still not the best but as learning go better to know that one too. The results are seen only at render time.
Second one, the best by far, use the new Displace modifier. You just enter any existing texture name in the Texture field and set the parameters. Don’t worry about those you don’t understand: midlevel and strength will already take you some place interesting. There’s enough information here in the manual…
…to get you started on the others.

Have fun


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