Burning building

After I finished this camera mapping tutorial I started messing around with a city scene. Here is the original image:

It wasn’t long till I had a mapped the city for a camera fly-through. Then I decided to edit the image map of the closest building so it looked like a bomb had gone off. I then added particles. Outcome:

I’m really not sure about the smoke. I’ve spent about 2 weeks tweeking, and redoing it over and over again trying to get it to look right. I’ve looked at it so long I can’t tell what’s right or wrong anymore! This is where you come in. :slight_smile:

How does it look to you?
What other areas of the image could be fixed?

Also, I can’t remember where I got the photo from, but I think it’s of Manhattan am I right?

Thanks for your help guys!

There was a time where finding a photo ref of an attack like that would have been hard to find (because it was like sci fi)

Now just type 9-11 september eleven or twin tower attack on google image to have the ref and compare…


Smoke is hard to get right without a volume render. I have found that lots of little particles are better than anything. And to do that you need to “scale” the base scene correclty.

But even then its really hard

Very nice work, I like the smoke:D. I only mean this in the best way possible and please don’t take offence but I think it is really sad :frowning: how we are only interested in blowing things up and war, and how we are getting so used to it, that body counts don’t affect us anymore… But on a happier note :slight_smile: Good Job!!!

otto riis: “A single death is a tradegy, one million, a statistic.” Joesph Stalin

I like it… but why is the pic with smoke all blurry and with less detail then the first pic?

Yeah done that. Many times. Still it’s quite hard to get it looking right as my photo is taken late afternoon whilst 911 was early morning.

What is a volume render? I’ve experimented with many different types of particles. Thousands as appose to hundreds, but I still can’t get it looking right.

At the moment there are about 6 different particle emitters. Some have large halos others quite small. At the moment it’s a mix of large and small. So by volume did you just mean tons of particles?

Thanks mate! And yeah it’s true how we are drawn more to destruction. Quite bizzare. This image is being used as promo material for my business at www.silverscreenfx.com so I figured many short films would like a shot like this :slight_smile:

That’s a good question and I never noticed it before. I’ll have to look into it. I’m guessing it’s the format I saved each image map. I used PNG is it the best?

Thanks for you help guys! Still open for more criticism!

Update: Changed the smoke to be more ‘billowy’:

um, I find this “just a bit” offensive. And I didn’t even know anyone who went 9-11.
I understand that smoke, fire, and buildings go together.

But “America Under Attack!” isn’t exactly sending the right message. If this is sci-fi, fine, I can understand that. But if it’s an alternative model of 9-11, I can’t understand your intentions.

Please explain yourself, especially this:

Yeah done that. Many times. Still it’s quite hard to get it looking right as my photo is taken late afternoon whilst 911 was early morning.

Is this supposed to be funny? …really? Why don’t you add the people that had to jump from over 80 stories up? You sure spent a lot of time on something pretty stupid.

Oh. I never really thought of it that way. Not being from the US myself I had no idea it was offensive. To be honest I actually got the idea from ‘The Day after Tomorrow’. In the scene where the tornado ripped through Los Angeles. I loved how realistic it all was, so I based my render off that:

However I lacked the skills to make a tornado or an entire building destroyed, so I just did a section, then made it smoke a little, which in turn resembles the World Trade Centers.
Halfway through I thought, “Will this offend people? Nah. It’s been 6 years.” Then I just searched for pics of September 11 for reference photos.

What I meant by:
“Still it’s quite hard to get it looking right as my photo is taken late afternoon whilst 911 was early morning.”

Was that I wasn’t sure if light dusty smoke as seen at September 11, would fit a scene that was set late in the afternoon.

So this is my deepest apologies to anyone I have offended with my image.

Admins if you are reading this can you please change the thread title to: ‘Burning building’. Or just close it if you find it offensive.

hey hey, just change the title of of the piece by editing the first response and going to “advance”. The smoke seems to not be coming from the building, you might want to fix that.

Kernond: Who said it was funny, besides you?

EDIT: And I don’t mean this in an offensive, aggressive, sarcastic sort of way, I’m just honestly wondering where you got that from.

Realy graphic, the work make next!

okay…change “funny” to “light-hearted”. Whatever word you would choose, you certainly can’t say that it takes seriously what really happened that day.

I don’t think it takes it seriously, but this assuming it’s based on 9/11. He said it wasn’t based on that, already. Rock on.

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UPDATE! :slight_smile:

hell of a lot better!

Good God, how long has it been since someone could post art without someone pointing their finger at you and screaming “POLITICALLY INCORRECT!!!”?

So far so good. It’ll take volumetrics to make the smoke look… well, volumetric. Blender doesn’t have this feature yet, but it’s been heavily suggested for the summer of code.

I think the fire could use a little work. With some photoshop voodoo, this could be made a realistic render.

The title of the post has been changed. That’s why some of the comments seem to be a bit overly sensitive. I had a problem with the old title, not the image itself.

Oh, I see. I guess “America Under Attack!” is a slightly different story.

Also, why did you dim the lights? I think it looked better when they were on.

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