Burning Man Piece

I did this for Burning Man a couple of years ago… Don’t know, maybe someone will like it. It was called the Observerorry, and was in the 3:00 plaza.


holy shit, it rotates!? thats some serious timber fixing work going on there!

congrats, did you assemble the whole thing insitu? or did you put together most of it off site and assemble on location?

I had some help to be honest. There were a few people that pitched in on and off for a couple months. It was preassembled. Dissassembled, and shipped via semi truck out to the desert and reassembled. The whole thing cost me about $5,000 out of pocket, and I got off cheap, but it was well worth it.

that is seriously something awesome!
very inspirational too, in so many ways ;D

  • tomi

you are insane!!!

btw… i love it! you should paint this thing and bring it with you again this year!

My sentiments exactly. And I mean that as a compliment!

How in the world did you get the wood to bend like that?

pff, I could build that with my hands tied behind my back…blindfolded…hahaha, yea j/k. man, this is fantastic! cant think of many words for how bad ass this thing is!

Wow, thanks! :slight_smile:

Like I said, I designed, and funded it but there were more than a couple people that helped get the thing together in the time we had.

Sutabi: only the ring for the rollers on the sides was laminated. The rest was sawn.

Not this year, but next year I plan on building another peice. I hope to outdo anything I can think of now…