
Inspired by those moments when we’re at our limit, that we want to give up - but we couldn’t.

Can you relate? :slight_smile:

More info at http://bit.ly/1wfr4Pc

Beautiful, as always!!
May i ask you how did you do with coffee beans?? Did you use particle system? And for the smoke, is it photoshopped or did you use blender!?

Great piece of work.

Great job as always! :slight_smile: I love the atmosphere.

Nice render. the materials are awesome.

The coffee beans were arranged via the Rigid Body Tools. Then some improvements were done by manually placing individual beans where I see fit. The smoke is a curved plane with an alpha-masked texture. I originally had planned on doing a smoke sim but it took so much time. But if I’d redo it with animation, I’ll definitely do the smoke sim approach. Thanks! :slight_smile:

nice earthiness

Another piece to gain inspiration, I like much the coffe beans rencently cooked and the mixing with the pencil our excellent tool with wich materializate all our thinks, I think this can apply to any profession. Drink a coffe to work hard and reach our goals!

Hey, thanks so much for the comment, Jose. :slight_smile:

Sooo goood :wink: Nice postpro

man i want coffee now - this is really good nice work

Thanks, guys. :slight_smile:

Very nice!