BVTKNodes gallery


has anyone out there ever used VTK To Blender Volume node?

I’m currently working on refactoring BVTKNodes, and I’m about to obsolete VTK To Blender Volume node, for following reasons: It requires custom built Blender (since Blender does not contain pyopenvdb), and there is the alternative route of using VTK To OpenVDB Exporter, which is way more accessible, although more tedious workflow for users. If Blender ever reaches the point of including pyopenvdb, the VTK To Blender Volume node could be resurrected.

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FYI I’ve just upgraded BVTKNodes to version 0.7, which includes refactoring of the core and update system. To celebrate this release I created the attached small Eevee animation of the cubeflow_isosufrace example tree, showing animation of constant pressure isosurface value. Thanks to developer thomgrand, it is now possible to animate many node properties using the Global Time Keeper node. There’s also other updates previously done but not advertised, which I’ll add to the What’s New section in the docs.

Since this refactoring has been a major work, it’s expected that some bugs are left behind. Please report them in the github issues page if you find some!

Here’s the animation: isosurface_anim_01.mkv (870.4 KB)

and here is the modified part of the cubeflow_isosufrace node tree:



This is an absolutely beautiful representation of scientific data.
Is it still in development? Where I can find more info?


thanks! You can find more info about BVTKNodes in the documentation and github. Currently there’s no active development going on. I’m stuck on trying to find out why import vtk does not work on Linux with Blender >= 2.93 Python Console.

Hi @Kareem,

This is a beautiful image.
Sorry I’m very much a novice to all this but is there a way in converting say 3d numpy array data to OpenVDB data?

Hi, here’s options for how to get from VTK to OpenVDB file format, hope that helps!

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I know nothing about programming. I don’t even know how to compile software.
About a year ago I got an idea to make a CFD simulation of my submarine 3D models. I search a lot and didn’t find anything “ready to go”. So I’m very happy to see this.
Does it work with Open Foam? Or what software can you recommend to me?
Thanks in advance.

Here’s a visualization test of a discrete element method (DEM) particle simulation (the chute_wear tutorial case of Liggghts), with a slow motion animation of results. Found out a few corner bugs in BVTKNodes while trying to get this to work…

I must say that the denoising methods in Blender have taken a leap in recent years. For these I used Cycles with only 150 samples (very noisy!), but the OpenImageDenoise gave excellent result nonetheless. Amazing progress!

Animation: liggghts_chute_005_anim.mkv (1.8 MB)


Hi, yes BVTKNodes can read OpenFOAM data in, there are examples in the docs. If you don’t know OpenFOAM, I must warn you that OF is not super beginner friendly… but it is a versatile OSS alternative for CFD.

Very nice work!
When you are importing the liggghts sim results into Blender using BVTK, did you use vtkDataSetReader or vtkDEMReader.

Thanks again for sharing this.

Additionally, would you be able to kindly share the nodes diagram for creating the animation?

Hi, here’s BVTK node tree. I’m using vtkPolyDataReader for reading the .vtk files Liggghts generates into the case/post folder.

and this is the chute shader material node tree:


FYI I’ve now added a simple cone creation and rendering example to the docs to show how to use Blender Python Scripting to drive BVTKNodes. The example is meant for those who want or need to script BVTKNodes.

PS. BVTKNodes is now upgraded to Blender LTS 3.3 and uses VTK 9.2.2.

Thanks for the plugin. It works perfectly. I used my OpenFoam code to simulate wave-net interaction. Here are the final results.

I cannot upload attachment, so the animation is here:


Blender 3.6 LTS has been released. If you would benefit from BVTKNodes being upgraded to support this new Blender version, please go to GitHub and react with thumbs-up in this GitHub issue. Thanks for your feedback!

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I know this is a bit old, but I’m trying to replicate your setup but I constantly get an error on my Color Mapper node “Error: Cell data insert name not found on input.” (same with Point data). Why is that and where can I assign that data to my .vtk file? Thanks in advance!

Kindly do not ask for help in this thread. Instead, please first read through the documentation , and if you don’t find an answer, please submit your request to preferably with a clear description, image of your node setup and small example data file. Thanks!

Currently in the oven, coming soon: mesh motion blur!

FYI Mesh motion blur now available in BVTKNodes! Quite nice example test picture here! :star_struck:

Here is a video of 3D dam break OpenFOAM VoF water-air simulation, a show case for the BVTKNodes mesh motion blur feature:

damBreak3D_test.mkv (3.3 MB)

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