I started building a roller coaster for the BWC, and this is the result until now.
This is the sitehttp://www.freewebs.com/marcoscosci/Blender/BWC.htm.
Is not finished yet, I know, but the next two days I have plenty of time to finish this roller coaster,
tell me what you think so far, if you mind.
A small suggestion; for realism each turn of the corkscrews should be smaller as you progress, otherwise you run out of kinetic energy before you reach the end. Either that or you put someone into high Gs going into it (it’s amazing what a little computer sprite can survive!) so that you can make it out the end.
Thanks. It would be more realistic, but I doubt if I will change it, because
I will have to change a big part of the roller coaster then and that is a lot
of work. And I would like to see it finished before Thursday, because that’s
the deadline for the Blender World Championships.
And I meant to make this roller coaster really dangerous, because the
subject for the BWC is, “prototypes you think will never be made”. So
I thought, I’m going to make a roller coaster which is so dangerous, that
will never be made. So each G is welcome.
Here are some updates. I need to work on the light, because that should be better.
And for some private photos, go to
Thanks for your commentary so far.
I might do that, but I don’t have much time; started a bit too late.
Loopings aren’t round.
I read an article in an scientific magazine a few weeks ago and that article was about roller coasters. They said that the first loop ever was round-shaped and the G - Forces of that looping must have been enormous, 12 G :o or something. A bit too much, don’t you think? So each loop in this World is egg-shaped. Just like my loops.
[quote=“ThePatrickP”]He means they shouldn’t be falt: the outer side of the the turn should be higher, so when you’re in it, you lean to the inner side of the turn[/qoute]
Thanks for explaining, I noticed it too late, but I understanded the question too late,
it had been changed, before you finished your message.