BWC: Nose hair lighter

Hello all

here is my entry to the Blender World Cup

I think this seems like a great idea, but never would get behind the prototype phase.

Created fully in blender. Compositing and texts/icons done in “The Gimp”. No postprocessing on the images.

Blender is sooo cool.

I won’t change anything on this anymore, as my computer is way too slow. But I would love to get some comments.

I hope no one presses the wrong button :smiley: :wink:
Nice idea.

The “nose-o-matic” label on the cap is very pixelised though, other then that its good.



Good one. Combined nose trimmer AND a lighter…
I mean…if you accidentally hit’s the “flame” button
when you’ve got that thing up your nose…no more
nose-hair for you…ever - that is!

Pretty nicely modelled as well. Nice materials too.
Only complaint must be on your anti-aliasing or lack thereof.

Wow, cool project, and nice idea. But fortunately, I dont have need! :stuck_out_tongue:

Finally for those who get frequent nose bleeds! You can trim the hair and cauterize at the same time. Sweet!

The text on the cap does look a bit pixilated. You still have a couple of days until the entry closing I think. Maybe just fix the text on that cap?

This thing is cool! Crits: I’m not sure but did you use OSA on all pictures?

Thanks for the comments. I hadn’t seen the problem with the pixelisation of the cap-Text. Very strange. I have to check if I forgot OSA for this image. All other images have an OSA of 16. Unforunately my computer was to slow to compute them in a bigger version and then scale them down.

As I don’t have any more time to change anything, it will stay this way. But thanks for the comments.

LOL, great idea! You could add a ‘Random’-Button to play Russian Nosette… :smiley:

Ok thats just classic! very good idea, but i know i would burn my whole nose off knowing how i am in the mornings. :stuck_out_tongue:

I just checked the OSA-Settings of all the images. OSA always was set to 16. The pixelation of the name on the cap is an artefact from jpeg-Compression. Well. Have to live with that one. :slight_smile:

Thanks again for the replys. :slight_smile:

Don’t be too sure it’s a Jpeg artifact Jerri…

What version exactly are you using of blender?
The official 2.33/a releases?

Or…the latest builds?

Because they’ve fixed the AA-in-reflections bug this time
around…it could be worth your while to try one of those
versions under the testing-builds forum at !

Well. It is. I have a version of all of this here without pixelation. It just happened after I put everything together in The GIMP and saved as jpg. I am using blender 2.33a-1 (debian package).

Ok, fair enough.

That thing looks scary :o. Hope I don’t ever need one :). Nice work, Jerri.