BWC: Sounding the Alarm: Finished!!

I don’t know if you miss understood me or what, but the stars are not blender’s star setting. They are custom made by me looooooong before I found blender’s. Pleeeaaase don’t take me as being rude or hurtful, just want to understand each other. Thanks a lot.:yes:

i finished the lamp
and played with the render settings to produce this effect

c&c welcome
also, why does the light reflect so badly on the hair?

Hello, I am going to name this “Sounding the Alarm” (you’ll see why) and added a lot of objects, played more with the sunrise. I’ll add text on the frames so you can see the story. I’ll also adjust the sun lamp and try to get more of the effect that I want.
Here it is:

C&C still welcome

It is looking better and better! I do think that the lamp’s light could be moved over a bit, it seems like it should be in the middle of the table instead of the side like you have it now. You might also want to try some ambient occlusion to get a more realistic result too. Good luck!

Thanks, Dudebot. I’ve been playing with lighting and particles for 4 days and I hope that it’s fixed. Rendering right now, update very soon.
The render is done! Can you guys try to guess the story so I can see if it makes sense, please. Darn, I need more light. Going to work now. OK fixed!

Thanks and c&c still welcome!

ok, I thought you used Blender’s star setting. Glad that was clarified! Forget what I said lolz.

Can you all guess the story I conveying. I want to see if its understandable. Thanks;)

My guess is that she’s sounding the bell because there’s a special day coming?

But unless you’re doing it on purpose, that’s not really what the sky looks like at dawn. You wouldn’t be able to see the stars anymore and it would kind of be a blend between yellow, red and blue.

Good luck with the contest!

I think its working! You’re very close! The sky is meant to look like that, yes. I will explain one of these days, or PM me and I’ll tell you:eyebrowlift:

P.S. for every one who hasn’t guessed, then dont Pm me till you do, please.

After staring at my own render for a few minutes, I decided that shadows were cast in a bad way so I fixed it so you could see a certain object at her side that has a big role in the story. Hope you see it!:eyebrowlift:


Frankly, I don’t really see what it is… Sorry :frowning: And I see you’ve experienced the explanatory power that is the title :stuck_out_tongue:

But I think you should let the picture speak to itself, not put text in there to explain it. I had to read the two golden plates to get an idea of what was going on. Maybe you should make her sound an enormous bell or something, or hit a huge gong, I dunno :stuck_out_tongue:

My point is that you should be quite easily able to see what’s going on, so try to keep it simple (and I know how hard that is from firsthand experience :P) But it’s a good idea nonetheless! Keep blendin’!

EDIT: What is your lighting setup btw? You might want to get a Sun lamp with some Ray Shadows in there. It might help. And also turn the spec of her skin down a bit, it looks a bit like plastic. I hope I’m not being too harsh! It’s all with the best intentions :slight_smile:

Sorry will turn up the light there. The text is the only way to convey the story. The symbolism is something nobody would just get. The thing at her side is a trumpet ("Blow the trumpet…).
My lighting setup is a orange sun lamp way in the back pointing somewhat up, very low intensity hemi above the canopy, brown area lamp for the frames, a lamp at the trumpet so you can see it and AO. You’re not to harsh, that’s what I’m looking for.:wink: Let me run a render with the trumpet light more obvious. Update in about 45 minutes.

Here is the render I promised about 40 minutes ago. Man, this takes a loooong time to render;)


I like your idea, but the fact that the sun is rising should make the sky be lighter near the horizon.

You can use sky settings in Blender with “Blend” turned on for that, or better yet, go for a texture plane or skybox.


The light is better in that last image.
There’s still a few things that looks strange here:

  • The lamp is shining but does’nt light anything around. (paper scrolls and table are dark)
  • The sky is darker than the ground (sky is always lighter, even in a cloudy night. The only reason to have the ground lighter is when the ground is lighten by an artificial light. Here, this could be the case close to the house, but in the distance the ground and trees should be almost completely black - it could even save you some rendering time)
  • The clothes are shiny like she was covered with plastic. Turning the specularity to 0 should solve the problem.
  • It’s not obvious that the thing on her side is a trumpet. Maybe make it lean on the table so it’s more visible?
  • And the last one, that is really some nitpicking from me: the border of the wooden terrace is aligned with the shadow of the tabletop, that creates a strange impression, as if the tabletop was floating, or something. (but maybe it’s just me, heh)

I hope I didn’t overwhelmed you with my crits, good luck for the BWC :slight_smile:

Also, I’m curious to know what render settings and/or PC config you are using. 40mn sounds like a lot, maybe people could give you a few hints on how to reduce the render time without loosing quality.

Thanks Rore, thats the kind of comments I’m looking for (and guesses of course;)) I never can see this stuff because I look at it all the time. I’m working on the changes now.

The actual render took 25 minutes which really isn’t bad. From what I remember, the one that won last year took 7 HOURS. The other 15 minutes was me making changes. The render settings are default except for the sky settings have blend on with custom colors. I dont know a thing about computer settings, though.

Juggle your scene around a bit,
Keep your tablets in the middle but switch your person and the table. Or maybe not but now the centre of your piece is a table with a lamp on it.
The shofar looks odd for some reason. Not tapered enough or something.

Good ideas, snelleeddy and rore. Here is the results.


Played with materials and her hair. Here are my results. Tell me what you think and keep guessing!


How could I not see that.
There are no shadows, nowhere, it makes things look as if they are floating in the air.

Oh, and the hair material is much much much better! It was shinning in a strange way before.