BWGMC 3 | Lady Thief

here’s the first screenshot!
very nice shiny effect is not it?

I’m still putting a lot of time …
I miss the other characters (the ones that I have to beat)
I do not know if I have time for Monday

I am now doing the action…


action based on good points


problem(future): ,where , how joint an MP3 in to blender?

Have you tried the Sound Actuator?

And then there is the the »aud« Module – but that is a way deeper Matter, rather not for a Weekend Challenge. :wink:

EDIT: Ô, and if the File Format is the Problem, choose .ogg – it is very good for Game Usage.
Here my Favourite Converter:

i use Audacity…and can save in the “ogg”
thanks, but I wanted to say, I have to keep the MP3 as an external file?

i m accomplished, yes keep OGG external! :wink:

adding the track cam (this was pre-fabricated):yes:


:no:time’s up!:smiley:

time’s up!

the next race! (when I get a little more organized)


Recent changes also do not seem very successful :eek::eek::eek:


14 hours left according to the blog…

meshes want huh? : P

vad soon or staying asleep (13-9) = 4: not enough: ((I would need about 24 h)

I did not sleep and this means that I have a few hours of time.

I certainly can not make a full game as I had immagine.but,
maybe I can do this without enemies, with some obstacle.

actions are finite, and no enemies I should be able to make some kind of path (I think)

ok this is the new char(without shadows):evilgrin:


the jump not work(argh this gravity buggggs)…clean…(useless)

Know of no gravity bugs - but if You use servo motion (the best) limit force to 0 on Z axis - else You defy gravity (but You really tell it to).

I could only do a climb and descent

we do not even look like a game … well

the next, with more logic …:smiley:


subway, first obstacle accomplished, pratically must avoid the phisics (work bad) and solved with logic


That Level environmental Geometry confuses me. @_@

walls are perfectly all straight, it’s probably zoom the camera that distorts too!

by chance, you know how to make a screenshot during the game?

There’s a Python function to do this in the bge.render module - bge.render.makeScreenshot(filename). Here’s the documentation page for it.

Thanks Solarlune! :slight_smile:

she is finally in action :smiley:

However in recent times I have studied “much” python, but almost nothing of physics, is a new world for me,however I have some ideas in mind to make a very simple LOD.
I think it should go like a cannon.
the problem: I need the equivalent of the collision sensor,
to bring in python
