Bye bye to hmetalcowgirl!

Hmetal is going away to italy, shes a regular chatbox girl, but not too much on the forums. her and her husband are moving to italy.

see ya hmetal, we’ll miss you!

yea, hmetalcowgirl will be missed by our game team the most :frowning:
once she gets settled in and things back to normal she’ll be back again :smiley:

stupid 1

come back soon :slight_smile:

yes i will be gone for a while, hopefully not to long. I’ll see ya’ll later :smiley:

i’m sure i’ll still talk to her on MSN and ICQ :stuck_out_tongue:

Welcome :slight_smile:


Oh, no. #blenderchat will run out of blenderheadettes! :stuck_out_tongue:

Moving to Italy, eh? Come back (to Blenderchat) soon :smiley:

yeah ! US Army are welcome everywhere!


Why Itialy, cooking school, artist ?

Why Itialy, cooking school, artist ?

Why Al_Capone, stereotypes ?


I wouldn’t stereotype myself, but you don’t want to marry one, unless you like to fight, hehe :smiley:

I was just about to say the same thing.



I was just about to say the same thing.


I don’t stereotype race, politiction yes, just wondering why they’re moving.

I take that back, I already had with British :frowning:

hey ya’ll, i’m in italy now, not on my computer yet, i moved to Italy cause my husband is in the army. No reason for me to be here, but you know where my husband goes i go. I’ll try to be in the chatroom once or twice if i can, i’m on a public computer, so you know how that is.

hey good to hear from you.
italy sounds good, i hope that you are getting settled in nicely. Where in italy are you?


Probaly on the boarder of the east side.

i’m in Vicenza, Italy about 45 minutes away from Venice. Right in the Alps, and yes it is nice, i have no complaints yet, hehe, jk it’s really great over here. Different compared to the US but i already knew that was going to happen. Well i’ll speak to ya’ll later

ok ya’ll i’ll be getting a house in a couple days, so i’ll be back online and getting back in the 3d groove in a couple of weeks. I’ll see ya’ll then :smiley:

woop woop! :smiley:

Cool so see we have another Blended Girl in oure mids. I don’t know you, but I think this is great. I thought we had only Dreamsgate as Blended Girl, but we have more of them. Maybe I have to join the chat to learn everyone better.
Nice to see, that you moved savely. Btw, from what did you moved? USA? :smiley: