C++ Game engine for Blender

Hey guys, any C++ programmers here?

I’ve started a thread in another part of the forum, looking to get some help. I mentioned a good while ago about my idea to create a C++ game engine for Blender. I’ve started studying the .Blend file format and have made a start on creating a library that can read .Blend files. I’m a bit stuck and need your help though! Check out the forum link for more info! :slight_smile:

If you’re just curious as to what I’m up to, I’m looking to create a piece of software which allows you to do all the artistic work in Blender, including creating the entire scenes, then do all your game logic in C++. As you update your scene and assets in Blender, it’s reflected in your game project. That’s the rough idea anyway.

The first, big hurdle, is to unravel the .blend file format so the software can read your scene information.

It’s early days, but it would be nice for you to be able to work in cycles, create cycles materials and use them in-game.

Be aware the BGE is already native code.

There are other game engines that can read or import .blend files (e.g. blend4web).

You can always use Blender within your Asset creation pipeline. The interface is typically an export to a format the game engine supports. There are plenty formats available (such as .obj or .fbx or collada).

there is a .blend reader / .blend writer you can install with pip into python

it’s guts should be what you need?

You can use Assimp http://www.assimp.org/main_features.html. But I do not know which is actual the latest Blender version which Assimp is supporting.

Panda3Dhas growing support for being used from within Blender via BlenderPanda. Python is the most common language for using Panda3D, but C++ is also supported.

I see nothing wrong with him making a c++ game engine blender.

Sounds like a huge undertaking, but this would provide REALLY good incentive for the community to learn C++, I didn’t know python/glsl before I started making game with bge

Yo, sup. I dunno if you’re interested, but there’s already a couple of game engines out there that support direct Blender integration, like Armory and BDX. The vanilla BGE (and its “fork”, UPBGE) are written in C and C++, as well, as I recall.

What are you looking for when it comes to creating a C++ Blender-integrated game engine specifically? Perhaps one of the existing projects would benefit from your efforts?

I know that in the BDX community, there has been interest surrounding what you’re basically looking into right now - reading .blend files directly, rather than our current approach (which is exporting to, and importing relevant data from, an intermediary format in-between Blender and the game application).

Be a ware there is a difference between game engine development and game development.

I would love torque to have direct interaction with blend files but I am not good enough of a programmer to make that happen, however I have had success importing model’s by exporting from blender and It’s sufficient for most bge features. let me know if you want to collaborate though I think the workflow has need for integration.