C4D - Blender Working Together

Another great site for new switchers is:

The combination of written and video tutorial fits my learning habits well. Erik has also a youtube account:





That site is new to me so thank you for the suggestion.

Here’s an interesting procedural animation system called Commotion.


The beauty of integrating Blender into your C4D workflow is the vast array of excellent Addons.

Here’s two on a similar theme for creating and populating landscape from opensource satellite maps.

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In my fledgling learning this nearly drove me nuts: if I create a custom mesh and shift+d duplicate it by dragging while in the Layout-Edit mode the mesh duplicates but only one object shows in the Scene Collection meaning one single mesh.
But if I do the above while in Layout-Object mode a new object shows in the Scene Collection meaning separate meshes.
Not very intuitive!

Thanks for the maps add-ons links. I used to have DEM Earth and got very spoiled by it,

In edit mode you manipulate polygons, edges and vertices. In object mode you manipulate objects. Therefore, if you duplicate an object a new object (obviously) will be created while in edit mode only polygons/edges/vertices will be duplicated.

Does C4D create a new object if you duplicate a polygon?

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I guess it is logical.

The Split command in C4D creates a separate object.

Ah, if you want to duplicate and split (“separate” in Blender jargon) to another object just duplicate your geometry and then press “p” followed by “s”.
Or if you are using “industry standard” keymap duplicate, rightclick and press “r” followed by “s”.


When I do texture painting I can paint on the image and it goes on the mesh fine (except at the seam) but I am unable to paint directly on my mesh. How can I correct this so I can paint directly on the mesh?

The fastest way I know is to switch to Texture Paint

create a base color and start painting

I am already in Texture Paint and 2D painting on the left works fine and applies appropriately to the mesh. But I cannot paint directly on the mesh and no tool icon displays on the right.
Any ideas?

(resolved by rebuilding the file)

Apparently Beeple visited the Blender studio. I wonder if he has started to use Blender in his workflow.



Can you imagine the colour of the air in Maxon headquarters when they saw that tweet?

Everyone can benefit from a bit of Blender in their workflow.

I doubt he’s going to use Blender until there’s a solid asset pipeline workflow available.

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Who is that?

Beeple is Mike Winkelmann, a C4D veteran:




Hi @Teknow

As I understand you know Python in C4D right? I was wondering if there is a Python Tag or Python Node equivalent in Blender where it runs the script for every draw.

So far, I only have use Python Script in Blender but it only runs when I click “Run”.

You do that with application handlers within the script:

In your case probably one of the frame_change handlers. Or one of the depsgraph_update handlers.

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I guess he’s there to make suggestions for the asset manager, makes sense as that’ss coming to 2.83/84 I think…