C4D + Modo -> Blender - Basic Dummy Questions

Blender Einstellungen English, Konversation Deutsch oder Denglish …
Wie gesagt absolut dumme Basis Fragen.

Frage 1

Wie kann ich in Blender einen Kubus (Wand, Stütze, Decke, …) erstellen,
wie in Modo gewohnt …

    1. Klick Startpunkt
    1. Klick Diagonale Rechteck
    1. in die Z Höhe draggen

Ich kenne in Blender nur Add > Cube, wie in C4D.
Der liegt dann irgendwo und hat eine zufällige Grösse.
Mir gefällt der Ansatz aus Modo oder CAD besser.
Die neue Geometrie entsteht eben da wo ich möchte und in
den Dimensionen die ich wünsche.

Ich meine das bereits vor einiger Zeit, in einem Blender Video
über die Developer, schon gesehen zu haben.

Usually we speak english here… (more or less good :wink:)… it’s an international community… that’s the reason why this is so strong.

Normalerweise sprechen wir hier englisch… (mehr oder weniger gut :wink:)… es ist eine internationale Gemeinschaft… Das ist der Grund warum sie so stark ist…

Position of any new object: → 3D-Cursor …and not anywhere.
Size of new objects: ~ 2x2x2 m and not randomly
Pivot of new object: center.

For adding multiple cubes with pivot on base adjust one cube with pivot on it and copy (one Ctrl-C, Multipl e Ctrl-V)

With the addon github WiresoulStudio W_Mesh_28x (works in 3.2.1) you can deselect the centered position and also change the parameters afterwards.

Autotranslated to German:

Position eines neuen Objekts: → 3D -Cursor … und nicht überall.
Größe neuer Objekte: ~2x2x2 m und nicht zufällig.
Pivot des neuen Objekts: Zentrum.

Für das Hinzufügen mehrerer Würfel mit Pivot auf Basis Erstellen Sie einen Würfel mit Pivot darauf und kopiere (ein Strg-C, mehrmals Strg-V).

Mit dem Addon (funktioniert in 3.2.1) können Sie die zentrierte Position deaktivieren und die Parameter anschließend ändern.


Was Okidoki sagte.

Schauen Sie sich einige Tutorials an; die Unterschiede zu dem was Sie kennen, werden ziemlich schnell deutlich. Es ist nicht schwierig, nur ein bisschen anders.

Watch some tutorials, the differences to what you are familiar with will become clear pretty quickly. It’s not difficult, just a little different.

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OK, now it is a Thread in English now.
(It was initially meant for a discussion Thread with a special german person)

First, thanks for alls the answers and links !
(I’m looking forward to see the video)

i want to point out a few things :

  • I am aware of Blender’s 3D cursor (but for me it feels tedious)
  • 2x2x2 m for me still feels random as I unlikely need especially this dimension
  • C4D also can only add “random” objects at “random” places
    (yes, there are a few options) but I still don’t like it after 2 decades

So I am really interested in the CAD or Modo way of creating new objects
graphically or by using snapping, at its final place and dimensions.
I think that is in general faster, more intuitive and fun.

And I am pretty sure I have seen that already quite some time ago in Blender.
It was Pablo running through blender Studio with a video camera and it may
have been Clement who showed on his screen what he is currently working on.
May have been 1-2 years ago.
AFAIR it was about 3D Cursor improvements and an option to draw on
directly on Faces. Seeing him drawing cubes by 3 clicks was just a side

But not a big problem if I am told that this input development was so far not
implemented, delayed or canceled.
Every Software is worse or better in certain areas than other. It is about
the overall package.

There’s nothing tedious about Blender’s 3D cursor, its one of the good additions to Blender. Just like everything else in Blender, its best to learn the shortcuts for everything to make your workflow as quick as possible. You can use it as an action center, as the origin for new objects and its also used in some modeling tools as the center of action like in doing bends or using the revolve tool. Don’t rely on going to the UI to use the cursor, just hold shift and right click to place it. By holding control as well, you can snap the cursor to different elements (based on your snapping settings)
But you can also create primitives more the Modo way by using the new primitive tool that is below the toolbar on the left. Again, holding control as you drag out primitives is the shortcut for using snapping, turning on and off snapping with the UI button at the top of the viewport is slow and cumbersome, always use ctrl to snap elements.


Thanks Steve,

I will not give up my CAD Cube Creation is better theory.

But nevertheless you also made some interesting points …
and already answered some of my following questions.
(3D Cursor, Snapping, …)

Thats it !
Not 100% what I wish for (Modo also not 100%)

But that feels so much more handy to me !

I think this was the answer to my Question.

Ahh thanks…i learnt (was remembered to) something (almost) new today… never really used the (new) toolbar tools (complete bar almost ever disabled)… too used to the old way to make primitives :smile:

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Next Question …

BIM Projects often contain maaany separate Meshes with few polygons.
No Mesh based App likes that as it can better deal with few but complicated
So if I export e.g. an architectural project from a CAD App by FBX and combine
all Objects by Materials, to make the geometry more suitable for Blender.

But if there went some Polygons accidentally into the wrong Mesh,
How can I transfer selected Polygons from one Mesh to another Mesh ?

In Modo this worked comfortably by simple Cut and Paste into the target
Mesh. In C4D that was not possible or tedious.

How would this work in Blender ?

(Since you are already tagged a solution… thisi should be a new post…)

Anyway: select the wanted vertices/edges/polygons in edit mode, do Mesh → Separate (PSelection), escape edit mode (TAB), select the new object in outliner (usually oldname.001) first and then the to-be-joined object second and do Object → Join Ctrl-J.

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Many thanks !

Didn’t expect that a Thread can only have a single Solution …
Now you have the solution :slight_smile:

It doesn’t look that comfortable or that I would be able to remember
that workflow.
But it is great to know that it is possible !
(I think I can keep at least that in the back of my mind)

OK, no chat-like communication here and no german sub threads,
so I will create new Threads for each question from now on …

OK, that worked.

Everything was fine.
Until it took me some time to find CMD+J in right click
context menu only.
(Somehow my initial CMD+J shortcut did not work)

Once you know and get used to the steps it is ok.
(Basically it is the same as in C4D)

Or alternatively, install this addon and use [ctrl][insert] to copy part of a mesh in edit mode, and [shift][insert] to paste the mesh part in the same mesh or in another mesh (first switch to that object’s edit mode, of course).

edit this addon also allows for a more convenient way to delete selected mesh parts: [shift][delete] without the extra confirmation.

Cutting works as follows: [shift][delete] followed by a [shift][insert].

Even better.
Great AddOn.

I honestly did not expect that Blender is able to import/export
Faces/Edges/Vertices between Meshes.

For simplicity I currently try to stay and get used to plain Blender
though. Although all these make Blender like Modo are quite

A little surprising was Snapping in Blender.
(Grab anywhere but snap vertex to vertex)
Never have seen such behavior anywhere before.
Have to get used to …