CAD Snap Utilities

Hello, I just purchased the add-on. In Edit mode, the “Make Line” tool works very well. Super useful, thanks!

However, I’m not seeing the Move and Rotate tools. (in Object or Edit mode)

Also of note, I updated Blender to today’s build and I’m using the latest version of the add-on.

Please advise, thanks!

Could you take a print of the tools that appear?
Is there any error message on the console?
Is there any other icon that does not appear?

These are the icons:

Also, be careful not to confuse the “Snap Utilities Line” addon (integrated with Blender) with the “Snap Utilties”.

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I figured it out. When I downloaded the .zip from BlenderMarket I opened that zip directly in Blender and it only recognized the Make Line tool. I just went back into the zip and see you have multiple subdirectories with each version that contain all of the files, separately. I just loaded the latest .zip from the deeper sub and now have everything.

I also just tried out the Rotate and Move tools. I’ve been working in CAD for about 28 years, so all of these tools are like second nature to me. Awesome add-on!

Thank you very much for your prompt reply. Excellent work!

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Oh, I remembered one thing.
A mail regarding version 5.9.7 will be sent to the buyers.
But in case you already have this version. You can ignore that email :wink:

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I’m listed at 5.9.5. So, I’ll be looking for that. Thanks!

Also @mano-wii, what do you think about ending the tool after completion of action? Or is this already possible? In AutoCAD and Rhino the action defaults back to selection when the tool such as move, scale, rotate, rectang, etc are completed or canceled. This is beneficial imo for CAD workflow, because you typically don’t move or rotate things more than once before exiting the tool. Usually a new selection is made in between moves. Quite often I find myself accidentally moving something by forgetting to set the tool back to selection.

It’s interessane, but that would not follow the tools convention.
It would be the same behavior seen in blender 2.79.
One way to get the result similar to what you propose would be to add a key to call the operator.

For example, the image bellow shows how to replace the transform.move operator with mesh.snap_utilities_move (what’s not recommended yet, it’s better to choose another key).

I intend to simplify this in addon properties. So the user can change or choose a default shortcut.

Mesh Snap Utilities Line don’t work in last release , not the paid version… don’t know if is the right place to post ??

same problem with me. I started 2.80 and put a checkmark on snap utilites and get the same error so your saying I need to install it ? from this zip ? Is this so the author can still get what is due… ? Thats fine I purchased it and use it and need it or probably would not use blender if it were not for this addon. Got to have it. SO will try later today.

Blender developers changes 2.8 API very very often.
All plugins have problems.

Yar, there’s a few plugins that break every time a new Build is out, its just how it is

Hello, the addon is not working in newer linux builds, or is it just me? :slight_smile:

hi, i just purchased your addon, what would you think of adding a size snapping utility ?
amazing add-on by the way, should be in blender by default because its so good !

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Got another idea here :slight_smile:


An operator to resize makes sense. I’ll add the ToDos list.
Other suggestions I’ve added to the list are:

  • Create predefined shapes (Rectangle, Square, Circle…);
  • Automatic constrain to X, Y and Z axes depending on proximity;
  • Constraint to custom axis (for example: the normal face, or local axis);
  • Copy or instancing objects by Shift+ or Alt+D;
  • Extrude and Reshape be used with more than one face;
  • Automatically remove internal faces created with Extrude and Reshape.

Although new tools are useful. I’m a bit afraid to add them because some users have already been confused by the usability of the existing tools.

Adding new tools, would increase the work on maintenance, extend the manual (which some are already lazy to read) and could even scare some who are in search of a simple addon.

It might be a good idea to do a poll later to see what feature to add :wink:


Hi there,

Super awesome to see this add-on! can I ask how stable the destructive extrude tool is ? Btw I think you can earn allot more money if you release this tool seperately for a lower price :wink:

The idea of ​​the tool is to intersect edges and faces automatically. Very useful to avoid creating faces with area 0.

There is an addon for blender 2.79 with the same algorithm. It is free and is called “extrude_and_ reshape”. You can test with it :wink:

but doesn’t that one use the Carve API which now has been removed in 2.8 ?

i wish you can lower the price around 12 - 15$ maybe?
or make the tool sell separately? i only after the rotate tool
also can you also sell it via gumroad?

all my addons bought from gumroad and i want to track them
if they are updated