Cairo (formerly Futuristic Outskirts) - nearly final pg 2.

Great mood and great sence of scale, keep up the good work. :slight_smile:

thanks for all your comments :slight_smile:
i tried putting lights on the cars, but it looked bad, and I also realized that you wouldn’t be able to see such small lights from that distance…
make sure to “refresh” ur cache (or whatever) because this image has the same name as the previous images :wink:

i changed a few things; i made the light on the pyramids a little bit bluish, also i improved the ridges in the sand and added footprints in it. Also i fixed the little “death star” circle on the moon :stuck_out_tongue:

comments welcome, but i think i’m just about finished with this :wink:

I can’t seem to find the link to the latest update?


yeah, thats because i have finished this project. Look for the thread “Cairo - Bigger Render posted” in the finished projects forum.
thanks for ur interest! :slight_smile: