Hi everyone,
I’m new to the forum here but have used Blender on and off for about a year now. I am beginning work on a new project and was interested in using Cal3D for animation (in my software). So i’ve been trying to get the existing exporter to work in blender 2.55 but been having a lot of issues. Here is the script i have so far with minor changes to get rid of a few of the errors
I was getting errors on “import Blender”. I read that it is now named bpy. When I switched that i got an error saying a function call “Create” did not exist. I am unfamiliar with python and any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the help!
ohoh, you wrote a lot of stuff, which is in mathutils directly available, e.g matrix * matrix is directly available …
The rotation matrices too etc.
point_by_matrix is strange. what is it mathematically? vector*matrix +vector?
ALL the math on vectors and matrices (the usual ones) have not to be written yourself!
But what you are really doing is too much work for me and for a part in 2.55 very different to 2.49
so you need to find someone else ;-( to help …
PKHG: i didn’t not write the script, i was just making an attempt to port so i’m not sure about most of the stuff going on as i have not fully read through it. but i will take a look at some of the stuff u mentioned
Uncle Entity: i am really start to see that you are right and this could be a lost cause. My question is do you have any other suggestions… should i try and make one from scratch, wait for a new one (which i doubt is coming anytime), or is there any other format i could export a bone/skeletal system in and have an api for the C++ side?
There is mainly only ONE problem namely understanding what has to be done!
Access to material and bones and mesh is, as I think, no problem … maybe I will have a second look …
Thanks PKHG, i will be spending some time tomorrow attempting to continue a port of the existing script. Hopefully i can get it working since i haven’t found another library that seems as easy to learn as cal3d. I’ll keep you updated how i’m doing and anyone else that has any other ideas or libraries i could use please let me know
What does def matrix_rotate(axis, angle) really do? Looks very strange … seems to be an approximation of???
dfmusa, do you know an e-mail adress of someone of the procect (use PM!) to ask?
And the cal3D seems not to be living (at the moment)???
I’m also interested in blender2cal3d version for blender 2.5x. I think there are several effort in this way. If i may help don’t hesitate. I found a topic of a more recent version for 2.49b in blender.org forum
hi evryone im new to blender and i need some help.i am trying to use cal3d to create clothes for imvu.but when i push script/export/cal3d a menu pops up wit some files what file do i use hellllp