I was wondering if we can split the game forum into 2 sections.
Stable, and Development.
The difference between the two is great.
can we please split it into Stable and development?
I have a few PM’s from confused newbies .
Things in the Stable version don’t work in the new versions… this impedes learning !
I dunno,
for the sake of the sanity of the developers ,perhaps we should do a new forum thread for every release of the game engine…
GOD! it is going to make things messy,
at least we can somewhat make it easy on the people who have not followed the BGE development day by day.
or perhaps, make a new ICON for the threads…
let the poster choose what version of BGE they are using, and the icon reflects the version they are using…
Not a bad idea but I’m sure you will find that even then things will still be getting all mixed up, what we could maybe do is just whenever giving out a .blend mention the version of blender used and maybe even the download link to the blender version itself?
GE forum change has been proposed many many times, and yet nothing has been done.
Has anyone contacted any admins and asked personally? I think that’s what we should do. Does anyone know any of the admin’s email addresses? If so, please post them so we can contact them directly.
yeah, it pretty lame that we dont have more game forums, its steadily growing in popularioty. Most blender users understand, and play with the GE, if just for fun.
But yeah, we’re the minority here, nothings going to happen…
I can’t understand what you mean with stable and development. What should this be?
If I have a question and it is related to the gameengine I will post it under Game Engine. How does this belong to a stable or a development forum. How do I decide which forum is right?
You are right. It’s not a good idea to split the whole thing down into so many individual sections, because for one: it’s not necessary, and two: It would only do harm, because some people would tend to ignore certain sections. (like if you had a “noob” section, I would never look over it, but when everything is in the same place I am forced to notice such questions, and at times I actually go around and answer some as a result)
As it is now, the only thing that I can see really being “critical” is to have a “Complete Games Gallery”. Like the gallery we have for render art.
I mean there have been many games (small games, but games non-the less) made with blender by many people in the past, but most of these games get lost in the chaos that is the Game Engine forum.
ive been blender user for over 2 years… and eaven tho im not a big GE user… id still love to see the GE to get better “odds” here…
tho i do have to say that they could allways try to “co-op” the BA.org and GB.org (though, not an easy task i guess) :o