About Me:
I’m Doug Ollivier, an Industrial Design student at Massey University in Wellington, New Zealand.
About the Project:
My final year of university requires that I conceive, research, and develop a product of my choice, I have chosen to design a residential refrigerator.
your feedback, will help me meet the needs, desires, and expectations of You the user.
As someone involved with feedback, you will recieve a PDF document in your email (or Open office document if you prefer). you will be requested to spend 10mins filling it out. Once done, click the submit button and It will be emailed to me.
The first short survey will establish you as a participant, the further feedback forms will be full of concepts, and images which i will need feedback on, these will only be sent to people who have filled out the first form.
If you want to get involved in feedback, you cannot be living with your parents, unless you are supporting them.
This is a thumbnail example of the first form you can expect to get. It is quick to fill out.
The later forms are shorter, and more image intensive.
interest from people.
ok well i have done the PDF and stuff, however the OpenOffice file is a whoping 4.8Mb, (it is storing many Mb of unused images, which i don’t know how to get rid of)
if anyone knows how to delete un-used images from an open office file, it would be great.
1)In acrobat 5 you will need to open the pdf in a browser for it to send to me (so click on the link rather than save-as)
2)once you click submit you may get an error message saying html/text is not supported. ignore this, it actually worked and sent me a message I will have recieved it in my inbox.
in OSX you will need to use Acrobat from adobe, I don’t believe the internal Preview software has the ability to fill out forms.
If there are any other issues you experience, please tell me and i will try to resolve them.
Sorry, not check boxes - selection fields… mainly all of them.
If you select a field and then carry on down the page and then scroll back up to check your work, some of the dots are missing. Cant remember which ones though.