Call for YafRay example files

Well, I think it would be good if YafRay had a bunch of example files ready to download, mainly intended for beginners.

I’ve detected that people who uses YafRay for the first time only gets black screens and poor results because of yafray “special” characteristics. It would be good if they had some examples to play with.

In the old Yafray docs there were many example files that have been lost or they are not longer compatible with the newer YafRay releases.

If you have a YafRay scene to donate, please let us know. You can post it here or e-mail me to alvaro(at)katorlegaz(dot)com. It would be good if you include in these scenes a short explanation about used techniques. Remember to include a thumbnail too (320X320)

We look for finished works; scenes with educational purposes (from tutorials); scenes XML; Yafray special efects (caustics, translucency, conetrace, SSS, dispersion); well finished cornell boxes, etc…

I’m administrator of the Blender Model Repository. Yafray example files will be hosted there under the YafRay category. Thanks in advance.

Yes, I really like this idea, as I’ve been having lots of problems with yafrays CONTRACE and sss shaders. ( produce black object, like theres no shader at all ) And cornell boxes arn’t that nice to me either. But no one ever talks about it.

But maybe I could do some scenes with area lights? Sometimes i see scenes with windows and area lights on them to get a good interior render, but the lights keep over exposing the walls.

hafunui, I’ll include the cornell box we worked on last days in the Blender General Forum, do you agree?

yup :slight_smile:

Im still wondering why this setup make some faces look smooth though.

mh how do you use the SSS shader?

the examples of alejandro conty which are related to his ‘using_yafray’ pdf
are pretty helpful.

see the ‘pics’ zip archive

from what I gather, SSS and conetrace are accessed through XML editing. Although there seems to be very little talk about that for some reason.

I’ve tried doing conetrace but it doesnt seem to work, and an example file (XML) might just be what i need.

There is a conetrace work I would like to include in that list of examples. hafunui, there you’ll find what you are looking for

cekuhnen, lately you have done some interesting works with yafray… 8)
please donate!

regarding SSS, in fact if you look into Yafray plugings folder, there is one called SSS.dl

I’ll include some of my own scenes, particularly this one (use of gamma correction):

and this one (simple example of Full GI)

Thanks läx, I’ll include those as well.

Yafray scenes to play with:

Please keep scenes coming, we need more and better examples.