Camera as child

When I make a camera the child of an object to follow it while remaining it’s freedom of rotation and relative movement to the followed object, the camera doesn’t see it.
It puts itself in an uncontrolled position.
Can anybody help please?

It would help very much if you could post an example .blend to show what you are talking about.

yea use vertex parent

Thanks for replying.

Dear Blendenzo,

I can’t find a way to atach .blend files.
The only thing about it I can find on the forums are people not beeing able to either.

Would you agree on e-mail?

And P00f,

You mentioned vertex parent.
I have absolutely no idea …

Thanks so far both of you.


Well, now that I see p00f’s response I think I may have misunderstood your original post. I’ve written a tutorial on vertex parenting. Find it here:

You cannot attach .blend files on the forum here. You need to host them on a free filehosting service and post a link here. Many people here use saveFile, fileLodge, or 4shared. is a good one, too. I don’t think it has any ads.

I have read your vertex-parenting tutorial and tried the .blend file.
I am glad to have learned what you showed to me.

What I need though seems only half of it, meaning the ‘standard’ Ctrl-P part where the camera follows all object-axes.

With your file it works.
With mine it doesn’t because the object will not show when I start by P.

Please have a look at:

Thanks for your time,

What you need to do is clear the parenting on the camera (alt-p), then select the thin object and press ctrl-a. This applies the scale and rotation. Re-parent the camera to the object as before. It looks like you scaled the objects down a lot; if you do this, be sure to apply the scale!

Another mystery solved,


P.S. – Hey, is anyone counting by the way? jk

YES Stu!

You made my day.

Happy it works. Only have to find out why, because the only reference I found so far is:

– Ctrl A. “Apply scale and rotation.”
This resets the reference point of rotation, and forces the current rotation to be (0,0,0).—

I’m looking for an English translation for this.

Thanks alot.
