camera follow object with animation ?

I have an object that moves up and down with the press of the space key. It also moves the arrow key directions.

I tried to follow the thread here about making an empty do the moving and the object child to the empty, and the camera child to the empty.

And make the object a non-actor.

So, I set that up and everything is bonkers.:yes: lol.

At play, the object starts moving off to one side and perhaps around. It should stay put. Then if I hit the space key, the object flies up and backward. It should just stay in place and bob.

Any ideas? Thanks for the help.

Again, I didn’t start the play from the cameras view. Which helped a bit, but it is still unstable.

Looking at the axis of my object and the axis of the empty, the object has y where the empty has a z. Could that be an interference?

I have tried to put the empty in edit and rotate it and come back to object to rotate it to change its axis, but you cant edit an empty. How do I fix that? Why was it created diferently than the other objects?

Following another thread I created bricks of always and camera for ob:my object. It was interesting and I played with the numbers a bit. The view it gave did kinda work, but not really. And when it starts, the camera rolls around a bit before settling, sits a sec and then moves again, before stopping.

And nothing else is moving. It also tends to shudder while it sits there. Meaning the object looks like it is shivering. So thats not working either.

I would like to help you iti
but you seem to confuse me about.
Now this is what i think you are asking. You have an object. You want your camera to follow it. But the camera should not be fixed rather like a free and dynamic realtime camera . Is This ?
Then use the Always >> And >> Camera : object name
Yes it will go crazy - it will move fast sometimes & go slow sometimes and it will shudder and shiver.
I wish someone could write some nice python script to make realtime camera like those in Spiderman which i always liked.
Anyway I’ll try to work on this sometime although not now. Facemania suggestion is nice for some situations

Nope, cant parent camer to object cause it will bob up and down. Kinda funny, but not what I wanted here.

I have parented the camera to one vertice of the object. And that works great. Now I may use the link/answer you provided to slow it down a bit.

Thanks to both of you. I really want to understand the camera in the GE so I can add it to the wiki.

I see 4 ways of using it. Its default, parenting to the object, camera acuator, parenting to a vertice of the object.

Does anyone know any other situations? Thanks much.:slight_smile:

you could also create the “survival horror camera” from resident evil. Essentially you would place barrier that would switch which camera was on in the level. That and a slow pan track to might look cool.