Camera Following a Path

Hi all,

I havent done this in awhile but i all of a sudden Im having trouble with it. Im just trying to make my camera follow a path around a object, i have made the path out of a bezier circle and zerod the Location and Rotation for the camera, then added a Follow Path constraint for the camera to the path, and then added a empty and added a TrackTo constraint so the camera stays focused on that, then when i try to preview it with Alt-A the camera just jumps way off into the distance! Is this a new bug or am i missing a step?

Thanks guys

it is hard to tell what has gone wrong but try and start afresh

parent the camera to the curve with Ctrl P (and choose follow path)
then you might need to clear the origin of the camera so it starts at the start of the curve (alt O)

and that should be it

if you are still having trouble you might need to post a .blend of the problem so we can se exactly