camera import ter2blend

i know i,m new at this but,i read all the topics and i couldn’t find this
when i import a .ter in blender with ter2blend all goes well even the background jpg and the tga in backbuffer but,i give in the camera position from terragen exactly(not in meters but in terrain units)and that doesn’t work in blender???
the camera is way of point,it,s nowhere near the object??

please help!!! i,m trying for days now!!!

terragen v 0844
blender publisher 2.25
python full install 2.0(when i install the new one i get an error:python22 not compatible with this version of python(the python integrated in blender)

please help!!

Hi offel,

here`s a thread that may help:


i guess i did all the things they mentioned,here is a picture of what i mean!

can someone help me???(step by step…cause i’m rather new at this but i really want to learn!!)

I just used ter2blend in publisher with a .ter file that I have successfully imported with 2.23. It doesn’t work, I get the same error that you did. Try using 2.23 and it should work fine.

Good luck!
Brian J

i don’t know what to say!!!
i,m dancing through the room and my wife thinks i am loosing my mind!!!

it works!!! hiiiiiiiiiyyyyyyhaaaaaaaaaa

thank you very much!!
i also put your webside in my favorites,and i,m gonna read my eyes out!!!

thanks!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: