Camera is not rendering World Environment Texture correctly

I have an environment texture set for the World through the node editor but it is not rendering in the camera at all. The only way to have the image show up as the background is to use the Background Image option for the camera itself, but this makes the image seem distorted and (as far as I know) doesn’t apply the image’s lighting to it like an environment texture does.

This is without the background image applied

This is with the background image applied

I originally had a scene tracked and setup as the background image in this same project but have sense decided to not use it. Maybe something I did through the Move Clip Editor while tracking is what caused this issue?

Side issue: The environment texture is not allowing me to rotate it through the properties menu or the mapping node like you should be able to with HDR images. Changing any of the LocRotScale values either does absolutely nothing or for some reason changes the hue of the image.

Might also be worth noting that this isn’t the image I plan on permanently using for the background, but I’ve tried each HDRI that I have and they all do the same thing.

Insufficient info supplied (no example blend file supplied !)
Your first image shows a transparent background, have you enabled ‘Transparent’ in the Render / Film settings ? If so you won’t render the background

Texture coords -> Mapping node -> Then texture node -> Background -> Output
Unless you have a good feel about the system, the first debug step is to ask yourself “are my node sockets matching in color”.