Camera Lag


I am trying to make a flying thing and I have parented the camera to the flying object thingy. Is there a way to make the camera lag behind the thing so that it looks like the thing is banking?

Sorry about the bad explenation…

Thanks in advance.

I swear that all 33 of your posts are thread starters…ha ha! You get the award for asking the most questions. I hope you’re learning a lot! (just teasing…)

From what I gather, your camera is parented to your object. When your object tilts, the camera tilts with it. Correct?

So what you could do is use the ‘camera’ actuator on the camera. This will make the camera follow the object around like a glide cam.

Another possible option is to vertex parent, but that would only work if the object flies strait ahead.

A third possibility is using the “slow parent” button under the ‘object buttons’ window. At the bottom of the panel there is a little number field where you can enter the amount that the camera is slowed. The camera would tilt, but it would be delayed and thus show the object tilting as well.

Good luck!



make a collision hull for your aircraft…Just a simple shape that collides with everything (world, enemy,etc)…
assign your controls, and all the physics to this…

later make your aircraft mesh, and parent it to an armature…

have a left and right bank animation… so when the player moves the collision hull left or right, the armature plays the ship banking animation…

while you are doing your armature, be sure to animate the Flaps and the cockpit lid too, for Ultra coolness…

you can have “Death” animations too… have certain parts that can detach or deform …

you have lots of cool controls with armatures :slight_smile:

hope this helps

here is what a collision hull is…

just a simple invisible shell, to help simplify the physics calculations.

Yeah I think that most of my posts are new threads… :stuck_out_tongue:
I could probably just make one thread with all my dumb questions in there.

I found the slow parent option but I don’t think that it works with the GE.
Mabye it’s just me. :slight_smile:

I will just use animations then.

Thanks for the help!

I do have a question though…

Is it possible to play avi files in the GE?
And is it possible for that movie thing to have an alpha value?
I would like to simulate engine bloom and I don’t know the best way so I made a avi of it…
I have no idea how to do this. :stuck_out_tongue:

You’d probably need to fake the engine flame with several alpha textures. It’s not too difficult and looks pretty good if done right.

The ‘slow-parenting’ does work in GE. Take a look at blendenzo’s menu buttons tutorial for example.


I learned it from DocHoliday. His site here:

Movies in the GE: Learn about two different options at I think you’ll need the second option (ashsid’s video texture player) for what you want. It’s Windows only. Alternately, you could use animated textures (which would be much easier and cross platform). I highly recommend DocHoliday’s TileTex 5-in-1 for that, which you can get at

Thanks, blendenzo! I’m too lazy to post links…someone slap me… SLAP!! …Ouch…


My dumb question here >