Camera Meshed Up!

Helle there!
I have already another question.

Its bottering my ever since I am using blender. It seems that how longer I work with one project. The more my vieuw-point is meshed up!

If you start a new project your vieuw-point is centred at the cube. If you zoom in you wil soom in the cube. But when I start to work with my project it seems that my vieuwpoint is getting away form the centre of the raster. Its even so hard that my zoom in point is far away from the standard cube. And its verry annoting to because its not fine working with that. If i just scrol a little bit. My whole vieuw is just completly somewhere else. !!

Maybe there is a vieuw point resseter or something?

Depending on what you have set for your user preferences you may be zooming towards the 3d curser. You can reset the cursed position with Shift+C

Also, if you select an object and press the period key on the numeric keypad, your view will be centered on that object. Useful for quick repositioning of your viewport.

Damn there’s been a lot of talk about the same topic this week.

Thank you guys.
Now working with blender is much easier for me now!