Camera Optimizing for my RPG (II)

Problem number 1:
Well… I saw this really cool demo containing Sunflares and I thought “Wow that’s a great feature for a game, my game!” Well I tried to understand how it was done, so I could “Copy” it to my camera settings, but as usual it was way beyond me. (I hate to say that sentence, I better start wrestling some python tuts…)
Now that wasn’t the problem, the problem was or is, that half of the text/scripts(Probably more) are written in German, but I got me good old wordlist and fought my way past those evil lines’o’words, so now I partially get what it’s saying, so I change the controls to usual WASD controls, mouselook was included, all looked good, but then it struck me “Jiblimsey! It’s inverted!”. Well half of it atleast, up goes up, and down goes down, but when moving the mouse to the sides…left goes right, right goes left… I changed the Motion Values to the opposite, which to my knowledge should invert the mouselook, but to no avail… So now I try changeing values inside the mouselook script, but neither that worked, so now I turn to the community, hope you can help… Here´s the file

“Special thanks to Siegel and chuzzy06”

Now here are a few other buggers I had hoped you might help me with…
Problem number 2:
I am trying to make the camera not move whilst in the inventory, I tried a simple logic bricks setup connected to a property, but to no avail… I think it has to be integrated into the mouselook script somehow…
+The main-scene must not be suspended…


Problem number 3:
I want the camera to have a function quite like “this one”, only when the camera rotates past 90 degress left or right, the character has to rotate 90 degrees left or right, according to the way the camera is turning. but the camera which is parented to the camera has to stay in the same place… It’s hard to explain, if you have played Dark Messiah you know what I’m talking about…

(Not Solved)

Problem number 4:
If you turn the camera, say 30 degress left and then press W, the character has to rotate 30 degrees left, and as in problem number 2 the camera has to stay in place… Now that was also a crappy explanation, but that’s how it works… In theory anyways…

(Not Solved)

Problem number 5: (NOT CAMERA RELATED)
I’m trying to make the HP degrade when the character hit’s a cube, this to my knowledge is supposed to be very easy, but as usual I hit a brickwall… I connected some logic-bricks, so that when the character hits the cube, it sends a message, which then is supposed to be recieved by the HP counter in the HP overlay-scene, and then degrade the amount of health, this however did not work, and since I couldn’t find the bug, I deleted all these added logicbricks and the cube…


If you know how please add one or more of these feature to the file, or discuss a way to do this, all help is appreciated…

“The file”
Thanks in advance…

***3/5 problems solved
***File has been updated

looks cool, you use force to move eh?

can’t help you there now

The sun flare is cool!

I’d switch to a different camera set-up. The one you have isn’t bad, but it’s unstable at best. I was tweaking with it for a while but with no good results. Sorry!


-i remember this demo
-glad to see its still in play
ok the answer is simple…
# check positions relative to old position
# Mouse going right
if (Xpos > Width):
# Move right
XDiff = Xpos - Width
RightMove.setDRot(0,0,(XDiff /Own.move),1)

# Mouse going left
if (Xpos < Width):
# Move left
XDiff = Xpos - Width

******in mouse check change both the LeftMove.setDRot and RightMove.setDRot to a negative
“LeftMove.setDRot(0,0,(XDiff/Own.move),1)” SHOULD BE…
heres the file

1 Like

Thanks a million man :slight_smile: Also, is it possible to make the camera have an 180 degree top-to-the-bottom break? Using Python only that is…

Does anyone know?

umm… ive only gotten that working once and I was using IPOs to control the up and down movements…im pretty sure social’s fps template has the answer
*thers the link

I managed to get a constraint working on the file you were using, here it is

(Thread Updated)

Oh and please post here if you are fiddeling with the files, it would be good for my nerves as I have struggeled with this for two months :slight_smile:

i am going to release a monkey that is fully rigged for the game engine… just waiting for the google video uploader to work properly .

it has some basic movements, and a couple extras.

I have a neat alternative setup for the camera, you might be interested in.
keep watching this forum for the monkey :slight_smile:

Awesome, thanks p00f :slight_smile:

Woah woah dude, google takes ages, you need some crap vertification, takes days sometimes, although I do have a broadband connection… That’s from my experience anyways

here ya go, hope that is what you wanted.

enjoy :slight_smile:

Cool stuff p00f, but not what I was looking for…

Hey… James XVI, isn’t that Doc Holiday’s park demo?

I have absolutely no idea who made it… And who’s Doc? Some uber blenderhead I suppose?

Doc Holiday made the unreal tournament exporter… nice guy…

not sure his website address tho

Yes, Doc Holiday is an UBERLEET Blenderhead and made the lensflare demo.

Cool, is he around anymore, or did he desert?

he’s still around… made a post about a week ago…
