why can’t the camera see all of the object?
used to be you could tell the camera to see further away.
how do i do that now?
why can’t the camera see all of the object?
used to be you could tell the camera to see further away.
how do i do that now?
so that is where it is!
thanks Richard.
is there any downside to having it longer? computing time etc?
as you are a moderator… where on the forum do i find what files and sizes can be posted on the forum?
they should show up when you go to add an attachment normally I think.
EDIT: Ahh, apparently not.
When you go and add an attachment press the help button (? icon) in the file upload manager window
AHA! thanks.
I found that Blend has a tendency to crash more often on renders and big mesh edits after 15 000 BU, also the orthographic view has some Z-buffer problems.
I think that Blender will take more memory on render with big values than will small ones. But I think it’s okay, and they are not big downsides to it.
sadly you cannot upload blend files larger than 2MB. i tried many times. the 15MB as shown in the nearly illegble ? panel is out of date
If your file is too big for the forum, post it to www.pasteall.org/blend/ and share the download link here.
i pasted it on another site.