Hello would like to know if its possible to fire rays out of the camera, I think that would make the rendering faster, instead of using the old type MLT way of rendering (at least I think Cycles is essentially doing that) Camera Rays would give me more control and would only render what is needed, instead of calculating everything. In short I am just tired of turning off other rooms… probably just really lazy.
Pretty sure that’s how Cycles works. Metropolis Light Transport is still a future thing for Cycles.
The Bounding Volume Hierarchy should keep rays out of parts of the scene that are not visible, so I’m not sure why “turning off other rooms” would make a big difference for you.
Can you provide an example?
The thing is that I don’t see any options for the camera (rays) the only thing I can find is the # of bounces. I would like it if I could set number of bounces or the distance of a camera ray. If only Radeon RP would work with 2.8
It would fix so much and it would be faster on my GPU, maybe there is an add-on/plugin for additional Cycles settings or maybe I have not looked properly through the settings. It’s not like I even know or change half of those settings.
Under Simplify panel of Render tab, you will find settings relative to Camera and Distance.
Under Cycles settings of Object tab, you will find other settings about ignoring some rays.
Branched Path tracing integrator is also about that.
And you can ignore lots of rays according to how you choose to build material by only using some shaders.