Camera scripting

Hi, i need som info on camera scripting. Basically i need to be able to export the cameramatrix (to a file, the console or whereever) and/or manipulate the different camera properties from a script. Right now this is what i have:

import Blender
from Blender import Camera
scene = Blender.Scene.getCurrent()
camera = scene.getCurrentCamera()

ok so i can change the name of the camera, but what other camera properties are there? (cameramatrix, focallength e.t.c.) if i do a:

print dir(Camera)

what i get is:

['CLIPPING', 'Get', 'LENS', 'New', '__doc__', '__name__', 'get']


Maybe there is something in the BPy docs for the Camera module about clipEnd, drawSize, ipo, lens, mode , name, scale, and type.

you need to get the camera and do a dir on that.
c= Blender.Camera.Get()[0]
print dirĀ©

Ahhh thanks. I found cam.LocX/Y/Z and cam.RotX/Y/Z and cam.getMatrix(), perfect!

If your dealing with loc/size rot. thats a camera object. so youll need to deal with those via the Object module