Camera tracking - At least one track with bundle should be selected to define origin position


First I would like to say that I’m still beginner in Blender. I know some basics, but definitely nothing about camera tracking.
So, right now I’m following one tutorial on YouTube, and I’ve downloaded the same footage that is used in that tutorial.

I’ve done tracking, and deleted all the tracks that have high errors, and now my total solve error is 0.80px, which should be enough for tracking as far as I know.
After I’ve solved camera motion, I wanted to set the origin. So, I’ve selected one tracking point and clicked “set origin”, but I’m getting error “At least one track with bundle should be selected to define origin position”.
Strangely, I can’t seem to find any solution for this problem online. So, does anybody here have an idea what to do?



Googling At least one track with bundle should be selected to define origin position returns the following as the first result.

Does that answer your question?