Camera Tracking - How to cast shadows from objects in footage to object in scene.

I encountered some problems trying to cast shadows to object from footage.
What I tried:
a) Camera tracking of footage, setup default tracking scene in move clip editor.
b) Build geometrie which should cast shadows on character.
c) Switched off in object tab > cycles settings > camera visibility > camera OFF.
But it casts shadows on footage as well .

In the pictures below you will see:

  • The node setup generated by the movie clip editor after tracking.
  • A render where you see the light shadows from the geometrie and the darker shadows that are the real shadows in the footage.
  • The geometrie I build on layer 1.

I hope to receive some suggestions on:

  • How to cast shadows on character but not on footage from the geometrie I build.
  • The left leg is to bright: it receives to much light from environment map,



I think I have to put the poles in layer two and play with the renderlayers there.

Ah that was the trick:
Put the poles geometry in layer two, and in the background layer mask layer two so it won’t have any influence. ( I hope )

I also put a plane on layer two on the floor so the character won’t receive to much light from below. Now the left leg seems to be ok.

Result is at
There is still a small problem with the shadow on the first pole which shouldn’t be there.